Perhaps, but this doesn't change my opinion if you believe you will be allocated your own personal cloud complete with solid gold harp after you die, that's fair enough
its all well and good discussing paralell dimensions and whether we all live on a molecule of glass on an aliens marble, but it doesnt go very far as to telling us how not eating pork and being circumsised will save our souls when we die, does it now ?
Chance? Life is based upon protien strings formed out of hundreds of amino acids (per string), throughout all life forms we find the same 20 amino acids. For these 20 amino acids to form these near identical protien chains by chance is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1, to put that number into perspective there has been 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 seconds since the big bang (15 billion years ago). For these protien strings ot occur naturally by chance we would need 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 protiens trials to of occured every second since the beginnning of time. This leaves very little room for chance, which is why very few physicists attribute the appearance of life to chance
go on... But all the evidence indicates that universe wasn't always there. A "designer" doesn't have to be a complex being, take the laws of thermodynamcs - they govern how heat behaves in the universe - despite control behaviour they are neither complex or simple... they simply exist. Why would a "designer" have to be complex - just as a force that governs behaviour in this universe is simple, so too could a force that brought about existence be simple.
Why is sleeping with your sister a bad thing? There are remote areas where incest has resulted in much longer life spans, Why is sleeping with little boys a bad thing? In ancient times the seduction of children was seen as the most noble of acts; preparing boys for manhood - resulting in one of the most powerful military units the earth had seen... Sparta. The Bible states these things are also immoral, but the environment you've grown up in has conditioned you to accept these as fact.... in 1000 years your descendants may be sleeping with children but avoiding pork... Only time will tell what the nations will accept as "normal" behaviour. Values change, the Torah remains constant.
All those zeros dont cover up the facts about our universe. There around 300,000,000,000 stars in the Milky Way (each with Y amount of planets orbiting those stars). Hubble has detected around 8,000 galaxies (all possibly containing 300,000,000,000 stars x Y.Planets) in the area of the sky it covers yet it only covers 1/27,000,000 of the area of "the sky" and this only covers the area of the sky that we think might exist. To write off the probability that one planet might just strike it lucky and produce the perfect combination of amino acids would be foolish imo. I dont hold any religious views but for various reasons I have been to church twice in the last month and enjoyed both experiences. Everyone there seemed really comfortable and content and actually seemed to want to be 'nice' to each other Anyone who writes off religion as the 'cause of all the worlds problems' is a fool; greed and ignorance cause wars.
Most mathmatical minds have written off life occuring by chance, the emregence of stars (of which you dramtically underestimated) has nothing to do with the ermergance of amino acids and protiens... we'#re talkig about the probabilty of them appearing on earth (as thats what we observe).
So why are you mentioning 1 in X chance in your argument There is such a huge (possibly infinite) amount of planets out there that the chances that Earth struck it lucky surely isn't surprising.
that was a load of fucking bollocks, if thats what you've been taught well then you need to gan share a cell with josef fritzl you daft cunt. you didnt answer my question, just spouted a bit of vagueness about nowt in particular. how is your way of life any better than mine when it comes to; *death or/ *afterlife or/ *reincarnation or/ *whatever else is next a straight answer for once please.
it isn't... We dont know what happens when we die... but we do know whatever does happen if you live a good honest life then regardless of your religion (or lack of) you get the same treatment as I do. Judaism is not like christianity where you need to believe in Jesus to get to heaven.
No it doesn't. Tou can't just say occams razor doesn't apply in heaven or whatever, because according to the laws of occams razor, none of that even exists.