As below - Sort out debt.. Sort flat so its ready for a good friday move in.. Sort out holidays to NYC and Ibiza Sort out a new(ish) car Most of all... finish college with a distinction grade, ie keep up all the hard work! These aren't resolutions as I have already give up everything there is to give up.. don't smoke, v rarely drink, no drugs, goin to gym already etc..
i'm also going to learn another new skill...i might incorperate it into another resolution...get fit (god i can't believe i thought that out loud)
work really hard at uni for my final year and get a good degree. 2.1 please watch how much money im spending on pointless things!! start going swimming or do some sort of exercise again, ive got so lazy in the winter learn to cook coz il have to know b4 i move out that will do i think