just got bout 2 grams of the stuff for free. only 5x potency like. ill give it a shot soon mixed views on its effects like. ive been told smoking it straight is the best way.. chewing leaf is meant to take a lot longer. and taking it easy sometimes does fuck all. i think its meant to be caned to be appreciated
do it in a bong, you need to get it really really hot though, much hotter than you would a weed bong. Keep the flame on it for ages before you try to smoke it, if its not hot enough it'll not do much to you
...and hold it in for as long as you possibly can. When I had it the walls all went mad colours and I could see this van driving about like something off Fireman Sam or Postman Pat. I thought it was quality! I won a massive bag of the x10 stuff off some website a couple of years ago, didn't know what it was at first because the company forgot to put instructions in the packet, it was just a bag of leaves. My mates had been to Amsterdam a week before so I thought it was just some weird weed they'd sent me. Finally I got an email about it and we cained shit loads in two nights. I forgot about the rest though and it ended up drying out and going crap. Must of wasted about £25 worth.
yeah but "da herb" aint mind bending. human brain is meant to be manipulated to its widest boundries. no fun in just getting chilled.. get trollied and visit some deep brain galaxy
must be. it just makes me sleepy and laugh at strange things. stuff with visuals and the most obscure brain activity is more interesting.