.. Think its a bit unfair to compare Shindig to Fabric really. Ok so Shindig may not be the biggest risk takers in the world, but maybe they feel they dont need to take risks. They get pretty much full house every week anyway. The last year - Sander, Sasha, Lee Burridge, Nic Fanicuilli, Paul Woolford have all made Shindig debuts. Also had returns from Sneak, Derrick Carter, Diggers, Carl Cox, Deep Dish, Satoshi, Howells and Lawler. Also got Dave Clarke in for Disco Noir. These are all top fuckin DJ's, that a lot of clubs in the UK would die for. I know its easy to knock Shindig, because I do it myself and have whinged to Scott about it before. But when I really think about it there is not many clubs that I would have preferred to have on my doorstep for the last 10 years. Anyway I dont think I could cope mentally if they had wicked DJ's on every week.....
Im generally dissapointed with the Shindig line-ups. They could do a lot better. As Jambon says, just one fresh line up a month, to keep it interesting would be something. But they rarely do it. I dont go that often, simply because the line-ups are same old, same old. Dont wanna see Romero, Morillo, Mackintosh, Yousef, Fanciulli, Rampling etc. Yet they all get regular repeat bookings.
Well i personally dont think much of Nic's F set's. But on slightly happier note: James Zabiela is deffinately playing in Newcastle in WHQ either Jan or Feb. Be on the lookout. :angel3:
Psi, can you confirm this mate, because I didnt know anything was definate. From speaking to the lads at the last Fragile it was not gonna be Zabiela next up.
I heard they might get James Holden for another free one at gershwins then Zabiela at WHQ in feb sometime.
Scruf i try;d to pm you Damo's number but your inbox was full... he said he got your msg in anyway! had no money to txt you back mate!
fuck me, if they get james holden il be a happy man dying to see him zabiela wouldnt be too bad either
If Sander's recent Renaissance CD is anything to go by this should be a class night. Bit unlucky it falls on the same weekend as Disco Noir,double headers take their toll these days!