scrap UK road pricing/tracking petition

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by trance_fan, Feb 19, 2007.

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  1. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    :lol: Full clean driving licence thank you..

    Common sense is my motivation, something lacking in psycaholic..

    He will probably pay more and that sucks, but what gets me is the faliure to understand why he should be using his car less, and even a hint that he might start trying to use it less gets me.. people don't seem to be pulling together the themes of depravation, quality of life, pollution, obesity etc etc.
  2. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he

    sorry we all aint single non parents living in one of the most efficent running cities in the country!!
    i live where i live as i can't afford to move house , i run my car because it is the most efficent and affordable way for ME to get around do you really think i like payin this sort of money to get to work every day , i'm sure i could find a better use for the 2 grand id save if i lived with in walking distance of work home and child care

    selfishness is not looking at others point of view before commenting on something you know nothing about , the point of your post has changed you said "it was about time i paid for what i use" excuse me but i have proved I DO !!
  3. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    single parents have been around a lot longer than you, and a lot longer than your car so spare us the fucking violins...

    you pay a flat rate road tax - which is equivelant to a train or rail fare - wouldn't it be great if we could buy a train ticket for a pound and it take us everywhere?

    well we can't - we pay for what we use, it's about time you started paying for what you use and covering the external costs you place on everyone who isn't as lucky to have a car..

    which are massive, but then as a car user you love your car and are unwilling to compromise your own luxury and comfort for benefit of the common good - so they take away the carrot and use the stick..

    it's hillarious that the car lobbies use the working classes as being the group hit hardest by road pricing - when in actual fact it's the working classes who can't afford a car in the first place and live in areas ravaged by traffic with no alternative than to get a transport system suffering chronic underfunding and cutbacks - is this really hard to grasp???
  4. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he
    is you head so far up your own arse that you believe your own shit?

    if i replaced all the travelling i do with pub trans then i wouldn't have the time or the money to spend with my children

    Yes you right i pay a flat rate road fund licence!!!! your right mr clever clogg's:) but you do forget about the 74pence per litre of petrol TAX i pay and as this makes my car go brum brum over the miles ,so i do pay per mile you moron , what is hard to grasp is the fact i have some snot nosed yuppie tryin to tell me whats best for me and my family , don't talk to me about social resposibilty i dont claim for fuck all i pay mine and my kids way and i keep them in a manor that makes them secure and safe , do you suppose i should take the easy option eh , i know i'll give up work claim the social bang em for every thing eh , house , council tax , child support , JSA , proper rinse it :up:

    i'd be a hel of a lot better off then i wont need to use my gas spouting car to get to work any more BONUS :lol: :lol:
  5. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he
    tell you what then you go buy a train ticket then when you get on pay again for when you go past a certain station , cos thats what i'm gunna have to do when that charge come in in manchester
  6. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    You choose to drive your car, but not to pay for the upkeep of the transport system (roads included), all you care about is yourself, yet as soon as something goes wrong who do you blame?

    Everyone but yourself? aah the Government..

    You claim to be socially responsible by not claiming benefits- that's not social responsibility its what most normal people do on a day to day basis. You portray people who claim benfits etc. as getting something for nothing - when in actual fact that's exactly what you want, to drive your cars on amazing road and not to have to pay for it. Nice one brains.

    You call me a moron, what's your solution?
  7. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    Get the tram / bus / train you imbocele.

    Ashton is no distance from Manchester - just over 10 minutes by train?

    The congestion charge in Manchester is to fund the extension of the metrolink to Ashton, Oldham, Didsbury and the Airport..
  8. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he
    how the fuck do you work that one out numb nuts ???

    "The Fact File finds that motorists in the UK pay a total of more than 42 billion pounds to the Government in taxation, made up of 22.1 billion in fuel duty, almost 5 billion in Vehicle Excise Duty, close to 7 billion pounds in VAT on vehicles, 5.6 billion in VAT on fuel and company car tax of just over 3 billion pounds. In addition, motorists pay another 75.2 billion pounds into the economy through their purchase of vehicles, fuel and basic running costs. Set against that, just 6.7 billion pounds was spent on UK roads infrastructure in 2003."

    no doubt it is much the same story at the mo but i couldnt find a recent report as yet

    its really easy to understand this it's two word and three letters in total ........................I....... DO ................

    have you got it this time :lol: :lol:

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