Theres no denying there hard bastards like, I shot one 3 times with an air rifle down North Shields fish quay and it just looked at me as if to say "Is that all youve got you soft shite - im going to take your fish and chips off you now"!! The seagulls in Shields are like charvas - theres loads of them, and there RAJ AS FUCK
the woman who lived out the back of Ken last year fed the they are horrid at the best of times let alone when theres 100 + amking a noise outside ya bedroom window at 7 am! :evil:
"Is that all youve got you soft shite - im going to take your fish and chips off you now"!! [/B][/QUOTE]
Its true!!! The fuckers are HUUUGGEE, and they just don't give a shit - all they are arsed about is where the next fix of chips is coming from!! Howzit goin Marc??
I know mate im from Whitley Bay so once they've "taxed your chips how" they fly home to my chimney pot
The ones in whitley are not as hard as the fish quay seagulls!!! Hows it goin mate, havent seen you since you were workin at Orange.
You should - you probs know me as Anders tho. We used to chav about Monkseaton and cullercoats in days gone by, with Johnny B and the like!!!
i was just thinkin, jimmy, james, james anderson... hmm possibly!! I'm fine mate, still at Orange like.. u?
Sound - Im still workin there too unfortunately :evil: Kickin back on me day off tho - goin to go and buy some new tunes shortly, as long as I dont get done over by some seagull who has gone cold turkey on me way lol: Ahh days off work........ :chill:
lol.. yeah ive got a hol in today. Just waiting to find out if i got a job in Telebusiness (fingers crossed) cause the money/job is so much better
Nice one mate, hope all goes well for ya!! Im off to dodge ome seagulls on me way to the metro then!! Speak to ya on here soon again (cos I probs wont see you at work).