well you are certainly entitled to an opinion mate just boils my piss that people dont stop going on about it after all this time. might i add for the record that we actually get just as many people saying they prefer digital they just dont fucking bleat on about it..
http://www.freerangerecords.co.uk/artists/jimpster.html http://www.myspace.com/claudevonstroke http://www.dirtybirdrecords.com/claude_vonstroke.html http://www.john-acquaviva.com/ http://www.djmarkknight.com/ http://www.steveangello.tv/
Jimpster is up there with the best house artists out there at the moment...about time he got his moment of glory, meant to be a great dj aswell by all accounts. those mixes of Kiko Navarro - Siempre and Swag - DrillBit are still absolutely massive Quick anthems
foundation used to be hard work if it wasnt near half full or above I think people tend only remember the big busy nights when they reflect on it
firstly if you check my post count im fairly new to this Forum hence me not having much of a clue that a certain members regularly moan about this same scenario? I was just posting a comment about a night to which I got a sarcastic reply, youv'e blown the whole situation out of proportion? Like i previously said, this was NOT a dig at you, the people behind Shindig or Shindig itself?
Definately. My all time favourite producer. Never seen him play out. Just hope hes as good on the 1's and 2's as he is in the studio
Not as many as Digital. Too many pikeys recently, it's going to end up like The Arches. (I do like Digital but come on the attitude in there has been unreal recently, I couldn't give a fuck about the DJ booth)
If i could whistle when i was out i would. Im canny jealous of those people with a beasty whistle like. You cant even hear mine. Im not talking about a proper whistle posse, but what on earth is wrong with people whistling in a club? Adds to the atmosphere imo