and then theres the women who take forever to come and my friend says it gets boring. and apparently when men have an orgasm it releases a chemical into the brain that makes you oops your friend sleepy. so its not my friends fault that he drops off to sleep. Its gods little joke
incorrect. when women come theres a chemical released which makes them talk incessantly so men roll over and pretend to go to sleep.
and how do u know this chris? sum1 must hav told u or uve seen it on the tv becasue i refuse 2 belive uve had this first hand
yeah that sounds correct, well im gunna shower and go 2 the beer festival at the uni and coz i cant take me ale ill be fucked with teh 12% gazza's tears for under £5 oh yes fuck on cider under a fiver those were the days
rotate what you do... dont just bang away like the clappers, mix it up and have some fun, when you're near bursting just stop and try something else. either that or neck 5 cowies the night before, mine used to be like a battering ram but it could go for hours on end on e
DONT TAKE THE PISS! its a disability it really is! i was fucked on sat at detox took god knows what and got 2 this lasses house after we were dropped off in town and still shot me load proppa quick
my advise would be to do a lot of foreplay, get them when theyre nearly about to cum then hoy your tool in and pretend theres a dog trying to bite your arse. either that or wear 5 condoms