Marc fair play to you for going off road in a 1989 Nissan Micra. That must be lolololerific. Can i come next time if you find some new all terrain tyres? As long as it is not on a tuesday, thats my weekly neighbourhood watch meeting, and i cant miss that otherwise i wont get free tea and biscuits you see. x x
gets a bit bumpy like. I've only got one seat. is that with mrs smith? eeee i havent see her in aaaaages, hope she's well Hows her hemmaroids?
Chris- how's that rash doing? Did the cream I gave you work? I'd PM you buy then where's the fun in that?
Did you remove the suspension for comedy value? Roof racks are your friend She is coping marvelously, i thought i had broken her hip the other week, but it turned out to just be badly bruised. The hemmaroids are lovely
Yeah thanks Paul, my left testicle is now completely rash free. I am eternaly grateful. What's good enough for PMs is good enough for public viewing.
No worries mate, glad you have clear balls once again. I just hope you don't mind everyone knowing your private business.