I'm starting to get used to having less sleep now, been having about 6 hours per night at the most for the last few months, well worth it tho
Yeah..i havent over slept that much though really! I missed a night of sleep at the weekend that cant have done good... But yeah...:chill: doesnt help at all Course it is worth it Jimmy! Me and Jamie still need 2 come and see them! !!
I can sleep for Britain sine I've been a student. Got in about 2 last night and didn't get up until about 3ish this afternoon. I'll wake up and think I'll just go back to sleep, it's great when you've got nothing to get up for!
2 pints of water before bed is a bit dangerous if you are fucked, 1 pint is fine and is the recommended amount. Leave a glass of water by your bed and drink approx 1/2 pint when you get up. Give it 15mins or so before having a cuppa or you're heading for feeling shit cos of dehydration again. Oh, and if you aren't pissed the night before - most peeps feel better after only 5/6 hours sleep rather than the usual 8 (or 12 for the students out there). Just depends on the person...
I'm startin to get used to gettin less and less sleep.. Normally catch bout 5 - 7 hours.. majority of the time its 5 though I try to get a sleep on a friday after work and try to get a couple more than usual on a saturday and sunday.. sometimes have a kip on a sunday afternoon too.. If there was one thing I could change bout my life at the moment (being realistic) it would be to try and get more sleep.. its not good bein tired when sometimes workin bout 40 - 50ft in the air..