smartie in drag...(that was sooo last week)

Discussion in 'Photos' started by helz, Feb 7, 2003.

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  1. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    how exactly do u work had, by going clubbing in london every weekend?

    get a job!
  2. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    I've been good & staying in to tackle the ol' essays I'll have u know!! The cheek! :eek: :p

    & I'll get a job in the summer...don't want it to interfere with me hard studies now! ;)
  3. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I take it that u wont be going out till the summer then?
  4. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    Correct! :king:

    I'm saving my pennies for a better cause (no tidy weekender for me I'm afraid!)
  5. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    how much have you been quoted like jules? I was talking to my roomie last night and she was saying her mate jen is flying over the same time, because her friend isnt all that wise to the ways of the world (and coming to think of it i think india might even scare you a little bit) we thought it might be an idea for you both to get into bombay on the same day then me and pauline can get a train up and meet you and spend a few days in bombay before going down to pune.

    i think shes paying about 500 and flying through germany around the 18th 19th and flying hjome on 29th.

    i didnt get a mail off you, i dont know wether its because you didnt send one or because of the problem with my email

    anyway...bring your mamusia with you too! if she wants to come that much, im sure she would love to see all the projects. It's the side of india tourists don't get to see :)

    ooooo oooo and we worked out that you will be coming in monsoon season, it only rains 2 hours a day but it means we can go visiting waterfalls!! :D
  6. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    "Don't go chasing la la"

    I've been all over the net & all the cheap planes r booked apparently! :(
    The lowest available ones r all £600+

    Could u get me the airline that pauline's mates using & I'll see if there's any seats left!

    As I said before, I'm going regardless...just means I'll have to work harder in the summer! :D :D

    O & I got one mail from last wednesday...I'm gonna reply now! Sorry for lateness & all that but I did ring u so lets say I redeemed myself in the friendship stakes! ;) (please)
  7. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    fraid not! i was brutally rebuffed last night when all i wanted was a bit of sympathy! sheesh! making me feel i had nowt to moan about!!

    when you arrive im going to recreate the scenario by putting 2 masasive cockroaches in your mosquito net :evil:

    i'm so tired today and everyone is in a flaming mood....god knows why, we all went to bed happy last night and today its like a frikkin morgue. I'm trying to arrange a night out but im being met with long faces on all sides. :mad:

    but dont worry, my advertising campaign for india will continue in the form of photos of the beautiful sunset yesterday, got some amazing pics!!!!! almost as impressive as my bird photos :)

    wish you were here, i can only deal withj pauline being in a mood because both of us grumpy together makes us happy?? but its bloody hell with everyone else

  8. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    I was very sympathic! Eeesh the cheek! :eek:
    It's Jake u should be moaning at...was him keeping u awake! ;)

    I hope ur happier now hunnipie, I don't like it when ur :(

    Tell everyone to cheer up I want lots of :D when I arrive mind!! he he!

    Ooo & I fink I might have persuaded me ol' ma to come...which would be nice!!
    She can compare it to what it was like 20years ago when she was last in Bombay!

    So fingers crossed & all that

    Missing u.... :love:
  9. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    yaaaaay we actually had a really good night last night!! i was so suprised but everyone agreed to see the sunset opn our river and go to the nice puizza place

    then we found an english pub called 10 downing street and got tiddly, did some line dancing and scared the indians hehe

    IVE JUST BEEN COMPLETELY DUPED!! you know how i said i was joining the choir? well what i was lead to beleive was a church choir was actually a lonely old indian man who used to live in england who wanted someone to go and sing him hymns once a week....i went thinking i was gouing to arrange choir practise and ended up having tea and fairy cakes with a dear old gentlemen who has visited gateshead so i sang him 'how great thou art' and next week he is making me a traditional english bar meal haha! he must be about 80 bless him, his wife just died and he misses her gonna take u to meet him, his family all licve in houston texas and they are visiting in july so u might meet them too lol

    im sending you some photos of the sunset over the river, absolutely stunning!!

    hope your mumsy can come over! proper girly trip, she can show me round bombay cause i only drove through it at night once

    we are going to the ajenta and allora caves in aurangoba (sp?) this weekend for susans birthday...get to see the mini taj mahal and stuff and have a picnic under a tree (susans choice of birthday meal :))

    catchya l8888erz

    p.s jake didnt wake me last night i was sooooo tired from the bloody cockroch incident the night b4 xx
  10. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    Right! It didn't take long to persuade mamusia! ;) he he!

    I'm sooo excited!! :D

    We've reserved seats with KLM for 9th july (2 days after my birthday!) til 29th july...hope that's peachy wiv u missus!

    Not parting with precious pennies until visas are to doctors now to inquire bout the million jabs I'll be getting!

    So fingers crossed that all goes to plan...I'll give u a ring soon!!

    Miss ya hunnibun!

  11. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    no stopping off in amsterdam for a sly smoke on the way mind!!

    i'll probably still be working my way through weighing 800 babies by time u get here so you can both help me with that....supposed to be finished by end of march :eek:

    i'm not sure about locations for travelling yet. Pauline is meeting her mate in bombay a few days after you and mamusia arive so we are going to tarvel up together and meet you, stay in bombay for those few days and thewn travel back down to pune together, after that we can spend a few days in the orphanages and slums, you can play with the kids etc and might get a day out with the mobile clinic

    after that its probably easiest to go to goa for a relaxing few days then around karnataka, but i guess we can finalise all this after you have read up on india and places you would like to go, try and keep them south india cause you wont realise how fucking big this place is till you get here and from pune to goa is a 12 hour the math when your looking at places to go on the map of india!!!! better to fit more into a condensed area dont you think?

    got a lovely letter of gareths mum today...almost produced a tear! :) poor gareth has even sent me a letter and he's working soooooo long hours

    i totally revamped our common room today, it was just a room with tables and chairs and a tv but ive turned 2 beds into sofas and dragged them from the spare bedrooms, put candles everywhere and even found some fairy lights in the cupboards....everyone was amazed when they saw it and its soooo cozy now, starting to feel like home :)...the kitten loves it and has now moved from the garden to the living room hehe

    oh my god, found an equivelant to special brew!! i astonished indian barstaff last night....a. for being a female in a bar, then b. for drinking 7 bacardis and cokes....3 of them downed....i think i scared them actually but i needed to let opff a bit of steam....we had rickshaw races on the way home, singing dead loudly and paying the driver to put his foot down, i think we gave him more than his yearly wage but its pennies to us!! poor bugger you should have seen his face! he can probably afford to retire now!!

    anyway enough chatter...time for bed! xxxx
  12. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    ooooh just had to leave u a quick message jahwahls....just priced the buses to goa and its 3 quid AND you get a proper bed and bedroom on it!!! how good is that, although probably neccesary as the journey is 12 hours from my humble home! i thought u wud just get a fancy reclining seat!!!! my word they'll be telling me theres a bar next!!! hahaha
  13. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    hehehe! Yep I'm a lady of luxary; I like the sound of this bed contraption ;)

    They should have them on those bloody 10hr flight westerners are yet to learn from the east! (I know I won't be saying this after visiting the slums :lol: )

    Aww I can't wait to see the little kiddies...I'll just have to be careful not to drop them :p

    I'm gonna have to start working out how much to save for while I'm there...any ideas dearest?

    Ooo & I've got appointment wiv nurse on tuesday, when she'll turn me into a organised am I!!! :cool:
  14. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    Ooo & helly welly (as lynz has now christianed u! :lol: ) I fink I'm gonna spend my year of overseas study at New Orleans uni which is nearer to miami than 'Frisco!! :D :D

    I can come & visit u & the gifmeister!!


    edit: just found out I can go to uni in miami!! :D
    At coral u or gif no anything bout this area or should I just stick wiv New Orleans? x x x
  15. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    OH MY GOD! coral cables is dead nice!! BUT YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO GO THERE!!! i would be really jelous if you spent more time with gareth than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: go to new orleans cause then it gives me a good excuse for visiting somewhere new!!!

    plus it would be derogatory to your health if
    you spent too much time with gareth and donnie...innit! for once you visit the slums, it will shock you to learn that you will still think we westerners have alot to learn, clean things and proper bogs mean nothing compared to the sense of community and all that in the slums....i would gladly give up a few western treats to live in a "society" but i guess trinity lake trailer park aint far off ;)

    as for worrying about dropping the me it wont matter, they get flung around all over the place, carried by an arm and a leg by the staff lol, they arent wrapped in cotton wool like western brats.....although nobody is allowed to touch my little ganesh like that grrrrr, not that anyone bothers with him anyway :(, i had a dream last night that i stole a baby from the orphanage and took it to gareths house which weas just around the corner conveniently and he only had apple juice and no milk so had to take it back lol

    ummmm dunno about money, depends what you want to buy, i'm sure u will want to buy a nice indian outfit from my posh shop, that will cost u about 20 quid lol....will cost u about 1-2 quid a night for hotel (we had 10 of us stay in a hotel for 3 nights for 39 quid!) just save as much as u can i spose...better to be safe than sorry!

    i had a run in witrh the police the other night ooooooooops! our rickshaw driver was crazy, we were a bit drunk (ok very) and we were having a laugh with him and singing songs and paying him to go faster like always, then he got confused and said he would pay us 50 rupees so i sed well if your paying i think its only fair that i i ended up in the front of the rickshaw driving it and making it go all over the road hehe, anyway this copper pulled us over cause he thought we were in trouble hehee, he didnt understand why we were screiking and laughing cause indian women dont do that kind of stuff....the driver got fined 150 rupees anyway so we paid it for him lol....worth it just for the giggle of driving a rickshaw, theyre wikid little things!

    i've posted you 2 letters and some pics, god knows when u will get em tho!!

  16. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    oh my goooooooooooooood

    jules....sit down, i have god bad news :(

    les miserables is no more :cry: :cry: as of mid march 2003

    im gutted :( severely....theres only phantom of the opera left....all the good ones have gone...i mean whats a girl to do?

    i have emailed my mam and told her that if they do like they did with miss saigon and get the original cast back i am flying home, i dont care bout no bloody orphans in slums needing to learn english....colm wilkinson in les miserables??? i mean!!

    i will get tickets for the 2nd last night and sob my heart out when they sing one day more....then i will host a sit in protest that they are closing it

    oh god imagine the encore on the last night.....not a dry eye in the house....i want to come home :(
  17. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    Well I want to go to New Orleans anyway so :p hehe!
    Anyway what u on about then u'll be living in miami wiv lots of little gif and helens running round ur feet silly! :D

    & I'm gonna go job hunting :eek: next week!!
    By the time I get to india I'll be rolling in it! ;)
    Can't wait to go, it's visiting the slums I'm most looking forward to experiencing (although Goa beach sounds nice :cool: )

    I'm counting down the weeks...

    O & I'm confused :spangled: how r u gonna get back for last les mis? or were joking? :dunce:

    If u do go see, can I come please! :angel:

    Can't wait to c u again petal
    Come the summer...

  18. helz

    helz Registered User

    Feb 20, 2002
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    well whatever u wanna do when you's get here is fine by me cause like i sed i'll have seen pretty much everything by then!

    i was joking when i said im coming back for les will be selling out fast if only a couple of weeks left!

    can you beleive ive been here 3 weeks! thats nearly a month! everything seems pretty normal now...weird
  19. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    Aww thanku for my lovely letter sweetie! :love:

    & u should be a photographer!! Those r fantastic pictures!! :eek:

    OMG it's just made me want to jump on a plane!!!

    Eeeek!! I can't wait for the summer!!

    I'm gonna give u a call today bout 10pm ur time, so don't go anywhere!! hehe! x! x!
  20. sparky-mark

    sparky-mark Registered User

    Jan 29, 2002
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    oi jules!!!! empty or PM account! its wont let me send u one!!!

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