your obsessed!!! skool disco used to heaving then suddendly it died, smile was cool last time i went, emptied a bit earl though, back room was class
Yes shes mi mate!!!! Soz if i embarassed you when i came in but thought it wud be funny i can put a good word in for you if you like, but i know about 15 other people who fancy her (mostly only 17 tho )???
Been to smile once.. twas a good night like.. plus im off on a tuesday anway so it works a treat for me !!!
last time i was at smile was last bank holiday monday. don't have too much recollection as i'd just arrived from the all dayer in whitley, but from what i can remember, it was mint. good atmosphere, good tunes, and most importantly, cheap drink!
trace is full of shite! it wasn't packed but it was fairly busy... she musn't have had her glasses on the music is variable, we heard pete heller, x-press2, david morales, and joshua wink all in one sitting the night we went. but I don't give a shite because it's all good stuff. The oldies are the best!