Haha, 6 o'clock in the morning though... Im not going 2 sleep either...Not that i would get any sleep anyway with Jess and Chloe in the house
Should read.... "Not that Jess and Chloe will get any sleep anyways with me in the house!!!! Am mad as bloody ten!!!!!"
aw yeah hav the bestest holiday eva katie n jess neva realised ya's had booked up!! speak to ya's when ya get back n ya'll av to tell me all bout it hope so much its a good'un!! xxx
hahaha this thread is mint!! sometimes reading this kinda stuff akes me think back about a year, and then go "eeeeeeeeeewwwww!!!"
i was thinking that...there doesnt seem 2 be a lot going onthis afternoon! Start a controversial debate and more ppl mite arrive