student fees protest

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Chewy, Nov 10, 2010.

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  1. Nass

    Nass sound. Staff

    Oct 10, 2002
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    Limassol, Cyprus / Newcastle UK

    Mental how you can get struck over the head for pushing forward in a crowd.
  2. MistaK

    MistaK Modulations Staff

    May 18, 2007
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    The Beach
    I think the demonstrations are quality. its probably the only way things will change.

    this time it's a bit different from the poll tax riots, since most of the demonstrators are Uni students, which are slightly better organised and i can imagine the internet is fuelling it even more so.
  3. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Its a difficult one imo.

    When you are in the corporate world, you'll soon see that uni grads are very much looked down upon in anything but classic careers where the degree is an absolute must in order to do the job. I'm NOT saying this is my own opinion, but time and time again I see recruiting managers baulk when they see a cv being handed in from a recent grad.

    The problem we have now is too many people have been brainwashed into thinking they NEED to go to uni for its own sake, rather than it being something (dare i say it), for people who are at the top of their educational game.

    This is opening up a massive can of worms of course cos its going to invite a load of people getting irate about their 'right' to have higher education etc etc, but lets face it - the costs that students are paying for their degrees now is pretty much coming down to how much it costs in the first place. That free degree people got 13 years ago, and the heavily subsidised degree for the past 7-8 years was great and all, but you cant tell me that everyone who wants to go to uni is going to be a real economic/social benefit to this country.

    Most people have suffered this recession so far. Students are now having to feel the pain of knowing that what they had up to this point was a helping hand which has (cruelly yes) been pulled away. The private sector had the planks kicked away from under it a few years ago, and now you are getting public/state cuts that the labour government were unable to do (right before an election). The country is on fucking life support with 0.5% interest rates which are pretty much the only thing keeping a pulse going in this country otherwise we would be in absolute anarchy/panic. Welcome to the pain.

    U gotta weigh up the pros and cons of going to a university now. Is it REALLY worth 25-50-70 grand of your own money in order to gain a few grand over someone who might have started the same job as you when they were 16-18 and learned the ropes on the job, or at college, or through an apprentice scheme?
  4. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    But the benefits of a university education are far more than the money you may or may not earn when you got a degree. I'm sick of absolutely everything in our society being valued solely in cash terms.

    When I did my (free) degree half the benefit came from moving to a different city and mixing with people from wildly different backgrounds, being challenged about my beliefs and values by the college and the other students, having 3 years with no pressure to earn, to explore the world and the culture around me, to learn a marketable skill was a bonus. We as a society benefit from an educated populace but individuals benefit from an enriched life.
    No one knows the benefits of a liberal education until they've had one. It's a dumb unquestioning drone like mass of people educated enough to serve the system but not enough to challenge it that is the goal of our masters. A nice fat underclass to keep the wages down, some scientists and technicians to keep the wheels spinning, a servile media to convince people they are ruled by the great and the good, and bread and circuses to keep us all distracted.
    destroying the universities, the unions and anything else that stands in the way of this is already far down the line.

    Wake up and smell the shit folks before it's too late.
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Ever changing
    Hey i agree about the idea of a free university education. I myself had one and im sure todays students would give me shit about not knowing what i was talking about given the situation we have today .... University offers a level of social mobility, gives people 'time out' before they resign themselves to a life of tax and drudgery and a whole lot more things that ARENT the educational portion of the whole experience.

    BUT .... Once again, in a climate of cuts, after a massive boom and a horrific bust, does it make sense to pay students to have fun for 3-4 years of their lives while everyone suffers for what could be regarded as fringe benefits?

    Regardless of whether we agree with the cuts or not, they are a given and cannot be avoided. We have no reason to ringfence higher education above all other things. The average person on the street without a degree would have a wholly different point of view if they were asked if we should continue to subsidise students on their journey through life in this day and age.

    I'll end with this thought. If labour had not royally FUCKED us so hard, then the tories and lib dems might not be having to do this right now. Not that i like to get wrapped up in a left versus right paradigm any more than i can, but this is now payday for 13 years of absolute irresponsibility.
  6. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    ^It's easy to lump the blame on labour because they happened to be in power at the time. This is payday for hundreds(?) of years of capatalism.

    It's just a shame that it might take the likes of global recessions to make people realise. A lot of people, me included, are not protesting because of education cuts. We are protesting because of a corrupt government and because this world is a shadow of what it could be. It just takes a common cause, such as education cuts, for people to unite.
  7. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    I love the fact that I read this article in a psy-trance magazine well over a year before anybody'd heard of a global recession.

  8. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i

    liken your way of thinking -

    also how many peole have pointless degrees and do fuck all with it at the end of it
  9. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Yeah, but there is not a lot you can do without going to university apart from manual trades, admin work and customer service work. Apart from that you've got crappy jobs working in shops etc

    It's seen as an only option for anybody who doesn't want to do the above.
  10. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Ever changing
    So, lets say you have 10 billion quid to save somewhere else.

    Where do you save it?

    And why werent students protesting that when the money was being blown left right and centre.

    The Olympics is a monumental waste of cash but everyone was teary eyed when we got that one. When we got up to nearly 3 million people out of work due to 'incapacity' we all tapped them on the head and said 'there there' and continued to pay them to sit at home.

    The bottom line is nobody gives a shit unless its THEM that is suffering.
  11. LeeTheMackem

    LeeTheMackem Lets Cacky Tash Him

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Also mental how you can go to work and get a neck injury which could lead to you being paralysed because of said crowds
  12. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    By the way, it's not so much that I oppose cuts, I'm just pointing out that I highly value education.

    Release all non-violent prisoners imprisoned for victimless crimes from jail though? Too sensible that one I expect.

    Good choice of number though brid, according to an English assignment I did in march, it's estimated, by Transform that 10 billion a year could be saved, inclusive of costs, from abolishing the drug war in the UK!

    Generally run the country in a remotely progressive, modern way perhaps?
  13. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Ever changing
    Oh i would advocate that any day of the week if i thought it was a reality.

    Im fortunate enough to have made some astute choices in the past few years, but i feel sorry for anyone who has toed the 'normal' line since all people seem to get is eternally fucked in this day and age.

    Its a shame the penny hasn't dropped that we don't need wars, eternal police surveillance and endless social programmes that do little more than tether people to the state, and dependance upon it.

    Shame really.
  14. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Innit. I do think that education is the best way to realise this though. Just unfortunate it's getting cut.
  15. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Monte Darlo
    What a load of wank that was :facepalm:
  16. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    I'm interested to know what makes you think this.

    What didn't you understand? :)
  17. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
    Likes Received:
    hurtling towards nirvana
    you have all bought the 'cuts are necessary' line without question. There is plenty of money in the UK. It's just that most of it goes off shore to the likes of Sir Phillip Green the governments laughably named efficiency advisor. Him and vodaphone could cough up your 10 billion in unpaid taxes on their own.
    the size of the debt could be brought down gradually without a problem. Massive cuts will damage the economy and put people out of work and reduce the tax take. Just look what has happened in Ireland.
    Labours debt before the banking crisis was no greater than other wealthy nations. It's been a great piece of PR by the tories to put the blame for a global banking crisis on the Labour party as if they had created it all.
    The Tories are now taking this once in a lifetime chance to dismantle the welfare state which has provided incalcuable benefit to ordinary people since the war and divvy out the cash among themselves and the corporations they serve.
    It's a British thing to moan about everything but once your security has been taken away you will never get it back. Hoodwinked into voting against our own best interests, we are throwing away the best things we have in our culture, till we turn into America Lite, filled with the super rich and the starving poor. What suckers we are.
  18. S.E.C.T.

    S.E.C.T. Kiss My Face

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Monte Darlo
    I think you are spot on with this. The corporation I work for is doing very well and will come out of the recession in a better position that when it started because it is buying out all the small companies that are going under at this time.

    I am lucky enough to have a good job and earn a good wage. The recession has lowered the cost of living for me - the lower interest rate for instance has made me £300 a month better off on my mortgage.

    This recession will make the super rich people in the country better off whilst making the gap between the rich and poor even bigger. It will not have any impact on climate change as suggested in the article above
  19. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    ^ Thought you might have misinterpreted something. He said:

    We were nowhere near a total or systemic collapse of the worlds financial system. It was simply shaken at the core.

    The crux of that article is not about climate change it is about about the world economic system and appears to be absolutely bang on, hence why loads of banks went bust.
  20. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Ever changing
    The mere fact that vodafone have, and continue to evade tax should have sent the message out loud and clear.

    It is US, not the governments, or the corporations who they work for (amongst other people) who foot the bill in the end.

    We are nothing more than human resource, to be used to pay off the national debt.

    Privatise profits, socialise losses.

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