
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Geordie, Jan 18, 2003.

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  1. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    i think they're cheeky little sods 4 doin that like with the flyering thing i think they bloody r doin sumfink wrong when promise is a rival nite!! just cos they cant handle that promise is absolutley kicking their arse hehehe!! me was a sugarshack regular too back inthe day it used to be maabsolute mecca n i sue dot worshipthe place sooo badly even to the extent that i was once gonna get sugarshack tatooed on ma arm (ohh dear silly me thank bloody god i neva like!!) :D !! but it has sooo gone down the pan it reeli has n i dont think theres no goin back to what it use dto be like..biggest mistake they eva made was movin that dj box, even thought hey mite be able to book the bignames still, the atmosphere n crowd hav turned sooo bad n the only way that clubs eva gonna get good again is if they get a different crowd cos the past few times i've bin its bin horrendus it reeli has!! s'pose it aint that bad but i prefer promise sooo much betta!! it isnt that bad at all reeli i feel quite guilty 4 slagging it off cos i used ot love the place sooo much its just when ya think about how good it used to be n look at it now it just makes ya wish 4 the old days n the old crowd n that.... :( xxx
  2. rachel

    rachel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    happy happy!! :)
    cant remeber the exact situation but isnt it a bit like te whole matt hardwick not bin able to play at passion cos he was a crasher resident or sumfink and passion was within so many miles of crasher??!! certain clubs can have a hold ova certain dj's if they're residents cant they....??!! it was sumfink like that anyways...??!! eddie wudnt hav suited sugarshack anyways!! xxx
  3. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    The empire deserve respect.... yes
    Promise will never achieve what the empire have.... no

    Promise in my eyes are already there, yes shack has a great legacy and great past but promise keeps going from strength to strength - Promise as a clubbing name is getting stronger and stronger throughout the UK- within the next year I see promise as a serious force for any club to reckon with. On messageboards I've seen people call promise a super club, I've never seen anyone say this about the shack... i don't think we're @ superlcub status and it isn't what promise wants tyo be but I do think promise has left the shack standing...
  4. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Smartie you might know a bit son but you are now talking cr*p, i love promise, its a seriously rocking underground small club in a very big city, SugarShack has now entered its 10th yr. in a truly beautiful venue in the backwater that is `Boro, in the old days we used to say to the geordies that came down to the `Shack "you`ve got the footy team, we`ve got the nightclub" & they`d readily agree with us, maybe not as much now, promise is going from strength to strength yeah & thats cool, but the Shack has faltered `coz its big & has gone partially stale, in its heyday the only thing that was holding it back from being the talk of the land was its location problem, for yrs. it was clublands best kept secret, if it had been in Leeds, Liverpool or London you`d never have heard the last of it!
    Sugarshack has never been mentioned as a superclub `Coz in its heyday it had big competition from nearly every city, what competition has promise today?!?!? Not much! - If anything Promise is a "super-underground club" - i love the place, but i also love the Empire, always will, when you have BT live & PVD on the same night & other countless memorable nights i`ll admit you`ve achieved as much as the `Shack, but until then you can only dream, promise will only ever be an underground club @ foundation, why? `Coz its small & underground really - It works well though, dont get over ambitious eh?
    If you had the Empire up in Newcastle you might be able to pull it off, but like i said you can only dream - "you may have the footy team, but we have the history & the venue - The SugarShack @ The Empire!"

    ;) ShinySY!;)
  5. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    :rolleyes: whatever.
    Promise is better than SS.
    wouldnt call promise an underground club either....
    foundation isnt that small.
  6. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    the empire can pull the bigger dj names now and again.. but also there lineups can be quite simliar month after month...
  7. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    True, very very true, but i did`nt say they have`nt got big problems, they are`nt insurmountable though & it could be sorted out, then we`d have 2 club nights to be really proud of in the North East!

    :) shinySY!:)
  8. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    The only thing that i dont liek bout the shack is the doorman who seems whenever ya even need a slash they stalk ya and the music policy, this month seems to be ok with more or less the same sort of styles but in the past it could be Trance one week then House then House again which to me is was Promise i wouldnt go - Promise is a Friday and the Shindigs a Saturday which caters for Trance and US House / House / Prog Respectively !
  9. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Wrong we have always had the footy team and the Shindig has been going for just as long as the Shack so we have always had the nightclub to.
    The difference between the dig & shack reputations over the years is the digs has continually rose , while the Shacks peaked a long handbag ago.

    Does the Sugar Shack have a music policy? or are they continuing with policy of booking DJs by numbers?

    Promise in my opinion is not an underground club, it is also not a super club, at the moment it is very big regional club night.

    The Spence
  10. crasherkid

    crasherkid Registered User

    Dec 21, 2001
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    cream did the same thing.... and we know how that turned out :p
  11. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Unlike a lot of northerners I don't think the empire is a place of wet dreams... there are hundreds of better venues in the UK for starters.

    The empire did have harsher competition, very true... Promise have a different kind of competition now - rather than competeing with crasher, Passion, Gods, Sundis, MOS and Cream... they're still competing with clubbing giants but they're also compete with fashion, clubbing is labeled a dying breed by the media yet promise can still pull 1000+ crowds every month, your arguement is pretty unfounded in my eyes... Both clubs both had huge competition.

    Promise is labeled by many as a super club/ super underground club/up and coming/.... because it is one of the few UK clubs still capable of creating a wikkid atmosphere week in week out. If you ask any older person if it was better back then, they'll always say yes as it was their thing, as people get older they get bored of the same thing week in week out so its very hard to realistically compare to clubs.

    My reasoning for saying promise is better (in my eyes) is because I've never expereinec an atmosphere as good as promise in shack. Its a personal thing... But my other backing is Promise does have a much better reputation than shack ever had.

    back then I'd of ranked clubs (on rep)

    1. Crasher
    2. Cream
    3. Passion
    4. Gods
    5. MoS
    6. Sundis
    7. Slinky

    then clubs like shack, insomniacz, etc.

    Now its:

    1. Gods
    2. Crasher
    3. Sundis
    4. Good Greef
    5. Passion
    6. Promise
    7. Garlands

    Again this is my thoughts.... but however you rap it the promise reputation is greater than shacks ever was... and in my eyes this is backed up with a better club.
  12. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Its all about opinions mate, how very true & yours are very deluded indeed & obviously personal, can i ask where you live?

    P.S you see that i acknowledge that Promise is a wicked club & a great venue, i`ve had a lot of great nights in there in the last 2 yrs. but i`m 35yrs old now, have 9yrs. full time clubbing experience & for some reason my enthusiasm is as bright as ever & i`m telling you Promise has some way to go b/f it ever matches the `Shack, i dont think it ever will @ a smallish venue like the foundation, the move to hull might be a good idea & shows ambition though, Cool!

    ;) ShinySY!:)

    P.S rather amusing putting the `Shack on the same level as insomniacz - Your killing me!

    P.P.S i see from your profile that your only 21 & you are claiming to know the history of clubland, you have a bit more research to do, `Shack was on top from `94 onwards when you were about 12yr old mate!
  13. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Promise V Sugar Shack: Is not like for like you can pick many peaks from 10years of shack history, where Promise have only a 3year history. Also how can you compare a club that has a music policy against a club that books DJs by numbers?

    But do you think over the course of 10 years that the shack and Shindig have been going, that the shack has out performed Shindig?

    Oh and before you check my details out age 27, clubbing 11 years.

    The Spence
  14. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Dont know much about Shindig mate, never been into US House myself & suchlike, dont like the house side of SugarShack, just remember many great nights with Sasha & diggers, BT, Oakey, Carl Cox & PVD, tis true SugarShack would probably have done a lot better if it had a settled music policy, this would`nt have suited me though `Coz i beleive the promoters prefer house & only book Trance DJ`s for commercial reasons! It does say palace of varieties on the entrance to the `Shack though, this may have worked in the past but not anymore.......

    :) ShinySY!:)

    P.S it is rumoured that Roger Sanchez`s fave UK club is the `Shack, likewise Erick Morillo, Sanchez was said to have told his agent whenever he was gonna be doing a uk tour to make sure he sorted out a date @ the `Shack first......
  15. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    I was lead to believe th@ the john kelly era was the better years of the shack has seen (by shack faithful sorts like urself)... If I'm wrong I'm wrong... but thats what I'd been told... And I experienced that era of shack.

    Your living on another planet if u think the formula to succesful night is a large venue... I'd thank you darling not to patronise me your one of the most faithful shackers I've met online - your opinions are always extremely biased to shacks good old days... I guess this was a huge part of your life so of course promise will never match it for you.

    But promise is to many what shack was to you... try to see beyond your own nose :D
  16. johntystar

    johntystar Registered User

    Oct 27, 2002
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    Portrush, northern ireland
    variety is the spice of life.

    i'm sure nobody restricts themselves to one club all the time.
  17. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Your right there. Shindig in the past has had Tall Paul, Bloko,Alex P,Jez Healy,Kelly,Jules Sasha,Diggers & Coxy all play for them years ago.

    The Shacks golden days in my opinion was when the music was handbag/hardbag/glam house, about the same time shack fav Jezza Healy was at as his peak.

    The Spence
  18. shinysy


    Mar 13, 2002
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    Grimsville - Billingham - Near `Boro - GOTTA GET O
    Look mate the golden era of `Shack was `94 -`00, nights like BT live & PVD on the same night, Seb fontaine & Tall paul B2B (when they were good),Northern Exposures with Sasha & Diggers + BT live, where Sasha appeared dancing next to me on the dancefloor in a "guinness pure genius" t-shirt - i kid you not!
    last really good night @ the `Shack that could come close to the old days was the John Kelly/Scott Bond night in early `01 - BLINDING! Were u there?
    I`m not biased & jaded i`m one of a kind that eyes ppl. with suspicion when they go on about the old days, when they start all that crap, they might aswell quit as the best is past, live for the future!
    Fact - Promise is rocking & full most weeks, thats cool, its a compact kinda club & it works WELL!!!
    Fact - Shack is big & mostly empty, they`ll never fill the place unless they get off their fat a*rses & book 2 headlining quality DJ`s regularly in 1 line up & stimulate interest in the club again, thats what pains me, it could be & should be sooo much better & in a venue of that quality its such a shame, i dont intend to be biased fully in favour of SugarShack, but i`m getting sick of ppl. slagging it off when they cant remember b/f `99! I`ll excuse rachel `coz she clearly loved the place & can remember when the dj box was in the balcony area - an amazing sight & unique i think in clubland, shame they had to mess things up by moving it! Can you remember this smartie, were you there when Oakie played a week after lotherton hall `99, dropped an identical set & blew the roof off, the shackers unveiled a huge banner that proclaimed "oakie, lord of the trance" - has promise matched this? not yet?!?! - FACT!!!
    Anyway you seem like a PaSSionate guy where clubbing is concerned, i hear you are going to see PVD @ PaSSion on Feb 1st, its my second home, how i wish the Empire was like that, PVD had`nt played there & it had been open 8yrs. this could`nt be right, so along with a few others on their web board i campaigned to get him on, shamed them more like, they never gave us an official response, may have already been booking him, but now he`s on, i cant wait, me & my g/f & 15 mates are going we`ve booked the local travelodge, see you there, where we can continue the debate/argument?!?!........!

    ;) ShinySY!;)
  19. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Think where we differ on opinions is you see the entire night revolving around the dj i.e. a big name dj playing a big name ste? I however look for something different... It's not the dj's that make promise what it is - it's an intemate family type atmosphere that makes promise special... I've seen many big name sets and although they generate a mint atmosphere and a memirable ngiht - this isn't in my eyes what makes promise stand out.

    I think this si something we'll have to agree to disagree on as we both value different things when rating a club. For me promise has something shack never had (@ least to my knowledge) and never will have (although a lot of my friends disgaree). Promise has an intimate atmosphere that only promise will have this comes from a fun atmosphere and a friendly/intimate crowd which only promise could generate as every factor comes into form people/venue/music policy/atmosphere/etc.
  20. Jimmy

    Jimmy Registered User

    Dec 23, 2002
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    I think this si something we'll have to agree to disagree on as we both value different things when rating a club. For me promise has something shack never had (@ least to my knowledge) and never will have (although a lot of my friends disgaree). Promise has an intimate atmosphere that only promise will have this comes from a fun atmosphere and a friendly/intimate crowd which only promise could generate as every factor comes into form people/venue/music policy/atmosphere/etc. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I'd have to agree with that. I feel comfortable to do what I what inside Promise and have a great night every week. I feel that the atmosphere is dampened in Sugarshack although I have had a few good nights there. Plus the fact that the bouncers in Sugarshack are terrible and treat the clubbers like shit!!!!

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