ooo what a sight! ...joe wud never been seen dead in anything but the best labels and up to date fashions, it just wudnt be right!! well, i suppose, u cud do a bri, nd start dressing the other way, if u really wanted!! heehee xx
your not wrong and neither is any1 else that wears them - people that worry about what they wear because they are/are not in fashion/look cool normally lack inner confidence
Re: sweatbands..... yeh - they're well popular in clubs - suprised this has been brought up actually cos they've been around for a long while
Re: Re: sweatbands..... Read the initial post then, it was in reference to some pics numb nut. Anyways people don't wear them to wipe away the sweat from there brow in between larging it.
Re: Re: Re: sweatbands..... well why the fuck bother slating what people wear - does it make u feel better for doing it?
LMAO I've heard some shite in my time, but this tops it. So your now saying every1 who follows fashion lacks self esteem... hrrrmmmm lemme chew on that
Re: Re: sweatbands..... Can i ask which clubs you go to? Cos outside of ikon and promise they are a very rare find now-a-days the world has moved on.
I have to agree withu here Joe..... following fashion is something ppl do becasue they wanna. I try and follow fashion but im certainly not lacking self esteem! (i said 'try' there Joe so u cant take the piss!)
Re: Re: Re: Re: sweatbands..... I suppose your as liberal as Mother fvkcing Theresa was ??? As it happens her brown sandles looked shit as well. Dry your eyes.
its a theory - criticising other people (especially on a messeage board!) to make urself feel good - by all means follow or open fashion doorways but when ur putting other people down for it...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: sweatbands..... i try my best! to be honest tho slating something that a lot of people on a board wear deserves criticism
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: sweatbands..... That's the most stupid thing I've ever read on here. Should I just keep quiet because the majority say so ??? I'm no fashion guru, major follower or critic - I just think sweatbands look like your a pop idol wannabee. Take your sweatbands off and log off mate !!
If you saw some1 walking down the street with his pants over trousers while sporting a lilac string vest would you laugh? Yes So while you continue to wear sweat bands I will laugh at you hahahahahaha
nowadays people are wearing worse than that, especially in clubs where anything goes - if you enjoy laughing at other people then thats up to you!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: sweatbands..... Suprised you said it being a clubbing website! I wouldn't take off a sweatband because you said so - especially if ur not a 'fashion guru'