But they are a very nice change, I get sick of my Mam's if I have them all the time, but they are still the best!
Most threads you and your lass hijack are about things other than lovey-dovey soppy bollocks, but you don't see us complaining...much.
Im gonna who, where and what you Miller! (I cant wait to be a parent so i can say that! ) Aside from that. KFC But a nice grease swimming curry or chinese always goes down well
I dont really like sunday dinner :spangled: I do like mashed potato, gravy and bolied peas mixed up tho Was what I lived on when i got my tounge pierced
i like the idea of hitting in rhythm (billy connolly style) & also being able to authoritively say...do as i say not as i do! & if i told you to put your head in the oven would you? my appologies to miller for getting off track again!
Do you think our kids will think the same tho? mines ok but nowt special imo. I can see it now, they'll be like "eurggh not mams/dads sunday dinner!! we're off to grandmas"
I credit my dad beating me in perfect rhythym to my love of dance music in my later years. He improved my beatmatching no end!
I usually stay away from Take-aways now etc, now that im back training! but if i cant help myself i usually pop into KFC!