I think a more appropriate response would be, Techno, House, Electro, Depends what mood i'm in Is Ian on before me Gareth?? The stuff he plays is the sort i start off with.
Its upto them the morra what the crack is when it comes to set times, but if you suggest that I'm sure they'll go along with it. It sounds about right. You still taking your cd deck down?? James Wilson was asking about it.
I spoke to James earlier on in the week. I don't use CD's apart from that interview thing I mentioned to you, and the CD deck light is knackered so there aint much point in bringing it as it will be difficult to do anything with.
Oh well, not to worry. Hope it's a good one, I'll have to get Telf to record all night so I can have a listen when I get back.
He will be once I get him telt, if you've got any spare mini-dics though bring them down, last time he didn't have any spares.
Yeh depends on what sort of mood i'm in tonight/how wasted i am Probably end up a combination of all of the above and I might even bring some Kraftwerk along :chill: :chill: