what stupid comments. Of course they're going to play "classic" stuff that people love. It gives people a buzz. You can't be telling me that you go to nights all the time where they don't play a single record that isn't one of your all time favourites????I doubt it! every tune they played was great, people just mention the ones where the crowd go wild.
3 actually give over, i was highlighting a point that I went nuts at.....so now to show we had a good time we have to list every song??? I don't know the names of most of them sorry, i just love and appreciate the music and learn about new tunes everytime i'm out when I hear new thngs.
was a great night, the swedes did the biz and gave the crowd what they wanted, i was suprised how good they were to be honest. they had everyone going nuts. dominic was flawless upstairs and rocked it, funky but dirty detroit techno / house. jesus that bloke can drink. great atmosphere upstairs. looking forward to carter now
would much rather go and see someone who plays loads of songs i have never heard before than ones i have heard a load of times Bring on Carter next week
domenic was ridiculously good. shame it was a bit quiet upstairs but we were there all night as downstairs sounded well grim. typical vile scot... getting on the vodka tequilas after he fiished playing
yeh i understand that I want to hear loads of new stuff too. All I was trying to say was I think its funny how people say a night sounds crap when people mention old stuff. Most of the tunes last night I'd not heard before.
I got hammered and ended up smoochin' in a corner all night (with wor lad like) then nicked off for chips and a 'lie down'.
with the exception of some first class cunt causing a fight with the lads that i was out with, i had a wicked night axwell was good ingrosso was class and hearing lifelike- discopolis is never a bad thing!
did you not see it all kick off??I jumped in and got hold of some guy......(I think I have super powers when I'm out) Then the bouncers got hold of me and asked me what the crack was. Tried to make me walk round and identify people but I was like I just grabbed the guy as he was looking like he was going to head butt the man next to me! Eek
the guy was a total twat- first of all he was pushing into me, my mate told him to pack it in and got pushed for his troubles then the same guy starting touching up and being a cock to one of the lads i was withs girlfriend, which caused it all to kick off then my mate got smacked in the jaw by him and it all kicked off again he was looking for a fight- fucking wanker
wasnt the best i ended up leaving at one for chips lol then ended up in whitley bay with my scottish warrior housemate ha ha ha