the Illuminati

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DN HY, Jun 22, 2009.

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  1. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    They are doing a good job destabilising Iran though arent they.

    A country with NO history of mass vote rigging, with independant polls showing the the current president would walk away with the election ...

    ... Now you have a former terrorist (Beruit bombings) declaring HOURS before an election result that he has won, and then mass incitement of violence and constant media hype about this push for 'democracy' (they already have it!) and some very fishy things going on (all those shady twitter accounts being set up, the bush administration signing off a few years back on funds to destabilise the country, the protestors 'flags' looking very freshly created and promoting the Shah) and it looks very much like conflict being unofficially 'stirred up'.

    The UK and USA have already overthrown the country twice before. But its something the mass media fail to mention when they bang on about this fake revolution they are pushing on us.

    People like Kissinger have stated that if the 'coup' doesnt work then they will have to go in with troops. what coup eh?! He's has good as said its basically a state sponsored regieme change!
  2. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    woah there!
    There's one thing with the Illuminati and conspiracy theories and another with states having foreign policies and covert action to support that.

    Nobody doubts that Bush and cronies wanted a compliant Iran and Iraq that they could continue to get cheap oil from. That is a foreign policy objective. Or that they will seek to make that happen.

    It's another huge leap to go from that to a secret organisation above and beyond governments which orchestrates the policies of the UK and US and Russia,China and Latin America and the EU and commits acts of mass terrorism and has the president of the USA as a member and is intent on controlling the world for it's own ends (which are??????)

    That the world is run by and for the rich and powerful is blatantly obvious but they don't need a conspiracy to do it and they don't need to blow up the twin towers either.
    They just operate in their own self interest. It works for them because they are rich and are interested in having power. When you are rich you can buy influence with governments, you can do it quite openly. look at Rupert Murdoch. He doesn't have to be part of a conspiracy to be powerful, he just owns enough of the media to give him clout.
    Most of the people at his level are ego-maniacs who couldn't bear to be part of any organisation which is not solely run by them.

    As far as Iran goes it is a country with deep divisions between an older, conservative, religious, rural population, and a younger, more liberal,secular, freedom seeking, urban population. The lid has been kept tightly pressed down on that situation for years and at the first opportunity (like this election) it will boil over.

    I would expect foreign powers to take whatever advantage they can from the situation and to exploit it to their own advantage wherever they get a chance. That has always been the way of the world.
    It does not mean some supra-national organisation has orchestrated it.

    It seems to me that conspiracy theories answer a deep seated need among people to impose some order on the chaos of the world around us. It's like religion in that sense.
    People instinctively need to have a reason for things happening that is simple to understand. A big conspiracy fits that need. It tidies up all the messy randomness and makes the world intelligible.
    Sadly, like religion, it's bollox.
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    nail on the head. for some reason, some people feel there has to be some sort of 'higher power' guiding events and making sense of things, it gives them comfort.
  4. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    On the flip side, cognitive dissonance means a mass of people will look to believe anything OTHER than the idea that anyone other than the state produced bogey men or 'randomness' is behind anything bad that happens.

    How much more proof do we need that our 'guardians' are up to no good, before we put 2 and 2 together and ask ourselves if maybe WE are their targets as well.

    Never forget that the people in charge pretty much dispise us and consider us nothing more than 'useless eaters' as they officially state.

    There is just so MUCH evidence out there (most of which blatant) that behind most of the mass social movements and events out there, there are manufactured 'catalysts' behind it all.... that it becomes hard to wonder just how random things are. Of course its silly to assume absolutely EVERYTHING is being controlled, but if you set a framework around which random events or whatnot can occur - you STILL control the boundaries from which those things can happen inside.

    Just take politics and the bullshit left/middle/centre paradigms that we are all made to choose between. These people are CHOSEN/TAPPED for power at an early age and then given their policies and the right 'legs up' into their position of power. We are then all duped into thinking we have a choice when in all fairness you cant get a fag paper between anyones political ideology. So where IS the choice then? The game is rigged.

    Take the Irish elections on europe. The irish vote NO to the lisbon treaty, so they wait and then go back and poll them again for an answer ... they say NO again ..... so whats gonna happen? Another Poll!!! Wow theres democracy for you right there eh - Ask the question over and over until you get the answer you need.

    Same with this country. A manifesto promise made to give an referendum on europe - Only you never GET your vote until the government knows it will get the answer it wants. HAHA! Gimmie a break - that aint democracy (whatever that means) .... But ask yourself the question, if your leaders wont let you vote because they dont want a certain outcome then you might as well have a dictatorship.

    Ditto for the war in Iraq - a complete LIE based on fabricated evidence. Nobody can refute that nowadays. Hundreds of thousands dead.

    You dont need flying saucers and space stations on the moon to see the conspiracies happening right in front of you with every passing moment.
  5. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I disagree.

    A conspiracy means to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end.

    Theory broken down is a speculation, hypothesis or sometimes scientific. The term is also used to describe some of the most famous scientifc berakthroughs in History decribing laws of Physics, yet they never get discredited in the same manner when used to present evidence on such things an autrocity or used against government corruption etc... etc...

    So what your saying in effect is that Newtons 'Theory' which is used to describe gravity is all bollox...
    Einsteins 'Theory' of relativity is also bollox...

    After all there just theories no?

    Your using it's term in the exact same sense Bush came out days after 9/11 & manipulated the meaning via the media in an attempt to discredited everthing else bar the Official Version. Eg:Conspiracy Theorist = Wacko, nut job, loony...
    There are things which people need answers to, a lot of which regarding 9/11 has or can quite easily be explained with the use of some of these so called 'crazy theories' or 'wacky conspirathists'
    It's when you choose to try & discredited or at least not keep an open mind to this side of the coin, solely taking on board whats been rolled out to you by the media & Administration that things then dont start to add up.
  6. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    if you don't like the game, why do you still play?
  7. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    now your taking leaps of faith - defo sign of religion.

    where did i say ALL theories are shite? as my name suggests, i like tangible scientific evidence, something that can be broken down into maths, figures and numbers (which is what the whole universe is based on) then you can start to build your theories and put them forward for evaluation.

    to give in a little, while i accept that these theories are not impossible by no stretch of the imagination - for me, there's very little ACTUAL evidence other than hearsay and speculation but it isn't based on scientific fact or evidence. If there were good evidence that would stand up to public scrutiny, i'm sure there would be some sort of legal action going on.
  8. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    What about the firefighters for 9/11 truth, engineers for 9/11 truth etc etc.

    LOADS of people are pushing for investigations into these things and they are totally ignored. Even the 'investigation' that the US Government did into 9/11 completely IGNORED (Like totally) the collapse of building seven.

    What i'll ask you is this. Do you think that all the PUBLIC knowledge out there reflects everything that, say the Government (And its various agencies) knows about what happened..... Like MAYBE they might be holding something back? Even if its just a few bits and pieces. Why confiscate all those CCTV videos near the pentagon and then keep them private for 'national security' ... whats THAT all about eh?

    Now the government over there is pushing to make political protests an act of low level terrorism. They clearly dont want anyone rocking the boat.
  9. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Ok, then put this way maybe:

    3 Sky Scrapers on Sept 11 collapsed at virtually free fall speed in their own foot print due to planes crashing into 2 of them. The Official Version has not once, not twice but 3 times re-written the laws of Physics, the actual melting point of steel & made Architectural History in getting across their Theory of what happened on 9/11.

    Using the theory of explosives or some form of controlled demolition then the activities surrounding 9/11 can quite easily be explained.
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    of course i know things are kept from me and i also understand that some of it shouldn't be but i'm level headed. In general, humans as u have all pointed out are dopey sheep on the edge of a panic. if some people knew everything there could be much worse problems.

    it's a complicated balance the world, stand offs from many countries - hell, the cold war was a bascially 2 bullies asking each other for a fight but no-one daring to start it. it's an uneasy peace
  11. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    yet here a report says is it wasn't free fall speed? Yet Another Scienctists View, more importan than the last! and that the localised damage was enough to cause failirue in the concrete to make the floors collapse and the jet fuel weakened the steel - although the jet fuel was probably even required.

    this is going to go around and around. Ah well, i know u guys hate the system - but keep on reaping the benefits eh ;)
  12. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Virtually freefall speed, 11 seconds the 1st tower came down in, due to fire that was nowhere near hot enough to melt 1 floor let alone pulverize 55...

    (Hey! I pay my taxes ;) )
  13. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    taxes that paid for the demolitions guys to set all the charges? are you part of the illuminati? do u have a secret handshake?

    is like a double bluff?
  14. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    what about the moon landing - do u believe that?
  15. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    I wouldnt say it was about hating ALL the system since it would suggest i hated everything and everyone - Far from the truth. More a case of knowing their are some rotten elements to it which divert your attention from smelling the roses ;)

    The best of British (And the west) happened regardless of the controls put upon us. I suppose half the reason we are here anyways on this forum is down to what was in part a cottage industry that ducked and dived from the powers that be that tried to control it.
  16. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Dont get me started Phil... I've already lost about 2 days with this thread :lol:
  17. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    did you also know the jumbo jet that crashed at lockerbie was re-inforced not long before it blew up?
  18. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    don't worry - the lunar orbiter (orbitor? ) will be taking photos' of the land zone soon.

    only for then the sceptics to say the photos are faked. nuggets.
  19. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I didn't? Im currently reading up on the Oaklahoma City bombings... theres only so much one Conspiracy buff can take man!
  20. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    it was the 17th ( i think, a low 1 anyway, in the teens) ever made 747 and the cargo hold had been reinforced.




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