You better be joking! You'll be too pissed to read anyways after we've had a few pints before the match!
I've been watchin it and am going on Sunday. Should be class Graham Taylor's been well funny so far. His first words to the celebs were something like, "I like to think I'm a reasonable man....BUT DON'T FUCK WITH ME"
Gary Lucy upon learning his exclusoin from the squad for yesterday's friendly : "Why have I been left out?" Taylor: "Because you fucking moan all the time" :worship:
Its all filmed beside my work, when am there On a night time it looks like some fucking fair ground or summit - the players have all been grafting hard like, Newcastle's juniors have played games as well a think ! Might pop along on sunday....
Who actually went to this last night? I went with cpl mates, was actually quite good, some nice n dirty challenges flyin in, as well one of the celebs jumpin n stampin his feet in a strop Finished 2-1 to the Legends with a last minute winner, was quite a close game. Sir Bobby Robson was also presented with an award at full-time!
It actually wasn't a bad game - I didn't go, but watched it on TV. Nice win for the legends against a bunch of Z-listers. And for a game that was supposedly a sell-out (according to there was a hell of a lot of empty seat..!
I watched it on tv too, it wasnta bad game, much better than I thought. Beardsley is still awesome and Gazza is a total legend!
me and lu went down with marty and jill. was a good game, thought gazza and beardsley were still class. lucy got a wee bit excited at seein robbie williams like, she never watched the football after spottin him!!
IT WAS MINT THERE WAS NOTHING BETWEEN MR ROBERT PETER WILLIAMS AND MYSELF BUT THIN AIR lick lick lick lick all together now - deeeeeeeeeeeeely deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely bopp-er (philip, philip albert)
was pretty good to see some of the legends back there! gazza looked pretty slick still, highlight of the match was when he skinned everyone and stood with his arms in the air! was hoping there would have been some old-school chants going round but there wernt... phillipe albert, phillipe albert, he's here, he's there, he's everyfuckingwhere!