Dead Mans Shoes is the most overated film of the last few years its good but i cant see the fuss myself
personally i cant name a better Brit film in the last few years appart from the obvious Guy Ritchie films
Yeah I watched it again the other night, its above average but I dont understand why everybody wanks over it so much. Watched Sexy Beast the other night Id say that blows it away, Ben Kingsley and Winstone are fucking awesome in it.
just got told last night it is limited Cinema release...might have to wait for the DVD i reckon. Massive disappointment how? (without spoiling it )
Don't get me wrong, it was still a good film, just a bit over-hyped I reckon. I'd still recommend watching it though mate.
finally got to watch this last night, and cried at the end how fucking lush is that lol lass ? i wish more lasses looked like/dressed like that !!
I thought I would bring this thread back seeing as I've just watched it and no one else seems to have brought up the fact that an 8 year old was getting it on with a 16ish looking year old :spangled:
i noticed that but tbh mate its normal for where im from really good flm. and the bairn looks like gowansys fatha