some of the best djs in the world look like theyre squeezing out a turd when theyre playing, pvd, diggers, lawler im acually really enjoying this set, but ive never seen him play this energetic yet, everytime ive seen him hes been very slow which is why i have the opinion i have at times
Ive seen him play like that aload of times, Ive only ever really disliked him when ive saw him at Global tho when i was appauled But he had the wrong set time...
yeh the mixing on this is horrific at times, but ive also witnessed pvd crashing a few trains too, but tune wise this is absolutely spot on, probably the most ive enjoyed listening to a trance set in ages
Ive always said about TIesto that his mixing isnt perfect but it never has been, Nobody can aruge when he made his way to number one he wasnt the best trance DJ at the time and his mixing was the same now as it was then. Dans pointed out the whole argument....tune selection.....they always knew what tune to play when and got the crowd going and it was tune after tune at the right moment and right time. Maybe thats the way to be successful......Oakie & Tiesto are very similar in the fact their sets were always about Tune selection and not perferct mixing and they have both became huge.... And the people that resent it are the people who always like the German more
no mate i dont resent it, i disagree that hes number 1, just because it shud be more about playing tunes it shud come down to technical ability etc too, but granted hes done well for himself
I dont agree he's number one, i meant that people resent the fact he's done well for himself and give him stick....same goes with Oakie
at the end of the day noone would turn down being where he is, hes making a living out of doing what he loves, if he plays like this more often then my opinion of him will certainly change because the music on here is awesome all i think he needs to improve is mixing, but i think its the fact hes constantly smiling instead of cueing up lol
Does no one know the name of this Igor S sounding track, i really want to know the name because its quality!
It isnt Warren Fellow - 'Rushing to the middle of it' is it? Because just been looking through and old essential selection archive and the tracklisting and time within the set sort of match. Not sure though because i cant find decent mp3 of it to check
it probably will be released on the label id+t was. id+t still exists in every form they are, they have just changed all the bloody names of it all, back to slam fm radio and the label is still as it was, god knows whats its called now, dark side of the moon is released on it and i have no idea where ive put the record (and ive only had it few weeks useless eh?) tiesto's mixing isn't brilliant in this, but it wasn't brilliant in energy 2000, pvd has fucked up many a time, as has ferry, van dyk and armin. i still resent the fact tiesto has had people make his tracks in the past and thought he was utter dogshite from the middle of 2001 for a good couple of years and has sold out somewhat. but this set shows he still has what it takes to get a crowd going, especially somebody like me (and even paul + dave) who are really picky about their trance. the santiago mix of language is amazing like, so is arpeggia, i can't wait for the finished version of his radiance remix and will be most proud to release it on the profound record label
you vant seriously compare tiesto and oakey totally different class like] i would more thane happiley go to see tiesto if he was going to play trance set and not showcase of tiesto blahdeblah me and fran watched tiesto on concert 2 on ID-T that was uninpressive well i did fall akip at about 2 like. even the last hour classics isnt as good as ........ take it back to 2001 - 2003 tiesto at gods 6 hour sets unbelivable top notch trance if he went back to doing that and i mean putting alot of hard work into sets not spinnning records he would well worthy world number 1
nah slash i still disagree, being number 1 dj should be more than a popularity contest, tiestos djing skills are quite horrific for someone as high profile as himself, i wouldnt expect to hear mixing that bad at local nights, not taking any thing away from the tunes in this set tho, ive enjoyed listening to it a few times now
Just a dvd of his live performance...would offer to sen you one but i'm a useless **** who still hasnt sent yout the PVD dvd i promised you lol...Will pull me finger out and get it sent