Aye, it wud be interesting to know what hes saying!! I wud like to see the uncut concert. I know there must be loads missing. Jan Johnston sings another tune which I cant think of atm, but Ive seen her do it.
on the dvd version they have cut the singers live performances out i think..i heard the d/l of it a while ago and you could hear them singing over the top of the tunes and it was awful...esp beautiful things!:spangled: but on the dvd they are just miming?!?!
I think on the dvd they jus play the actual vinyl and delete the sounds coming from the microphone. I think they were singing live, u can hear them speak b4 and after the finish their songs. Its really echoey so theyve probs dubbed over it cos it sounded awful in that huge areana!
I dunno. Its number 9 on CD 2 of Tiesto's Nyana. I dont have the track listing tho. Its mint !!!! Have it on now actually.
It's the one that is played on Rapture isn't it, we well have to watch it more often to see it again!
You can get it from HMV and Virgin I think, but it's cheaper on the Internet, Cookee know's the site, I will get her to post it for you!
Go to www.play.com and search for Tiesto. Its £11.99 (free delivery) and will get to u in bout 2/3 days. Dont go to HMV etc, cos they are a rip off!!
Well you've sold it to me, sounds mint...im off to order it now, let ya know what i think in a couple of days. Day in the office or in concert peeps? Tiesto I dont begrudge payin to see him or other big DJs, they charge so much cos they are good at what they do and they are in so much demand worldwide. When i buy tickets or get in somewhere i dont care how much it costs and im skint most of the time! They deserve it, if you gotta problem, its your money & your choice, go see someone cheaper...you'll see the difference 9 times outa 10.
Got it in the post this mornin! Watched twice already, its well class. Looked amazin, wish i was there, kno what you mean about the crowd tho, if i was there i woulda been goin mental. I want that DJ booth :groovy:....im gunna construct one with half dozen strip lights! What u think about the round the world interval things? IMO some of em were a bit crap and i just wished he'd mixed out of the wicked tune he just dropped. They're growin on me tho. Cheers, i probably wouldnt have bothered buyin it if you hadnt been rantin on about it
No probs hun!! Its mint tho, U can either sit and watch it or jus have it on in the background cos the tunes are wicked!!! Theres supposed to be another concert this yr, wud be amazing!!!