I think he could make more money if he wanted to so yes, I do think he holds himself back commercially (not that it matters because I'm sure he has more money already than he will ever need).
hes definately not a commercial DJ, compared to the likes of PVD and Ferry (No disrespect) or have i missed the point?. But if he wanted to be he could be!!!
You were the one who brought up money,I don't really give a shit how much it costs to get into a club if there's someone good on
Got my mate to do it, I have it on CD. He said you cant download it as such, it only plays. You have to have recording software to record it then encode it.
Sasha cost Shindig 10 grand As did Morillo, and I believe this is the most they have paid for anyone. Apparently Morillo was a dick about it...wouldnt play for anything less than that cos he considers himself to be the best DJ in the world. At the other end of the scale, Tom Wainright charges £700 (which probs explains while he's on every other month).
10 grand is a lot but I suppose they both pretty much guarantee a sell out. Thats about 1200 people paying 15 quid = 18000 and thats before bar profits They do normally do longish sets - about 4 hours. I'm sure there's a lot of DJs who charge 3- 4 grand for a 2 hour set
Do you know if Sasha was prepared to play for less? If Eric was such a dick the Shindog wouldn't constantly re-book him
- would shindig, bearing in mind he has consistently been one of the best and most sought after djs in the world over the last 15 years, have charged any less on the door to see sasha if he cost them only 5k? ?
Nah. If a club feels they can up the price to 15 quid and still fill it,they will. Prices are dictated by supply and demand Only way it would be less was if the DJ wrote it into the contract. I'm sure Tenaglia wouldn't play DC10 for free if they started uping the price to 100 euros
I reckon they probably work out a combined percentage from door and bar takings - don't know for sure though