When we went up to see M.Piccotto, we were sitting next to some right rough looking characters but they couldn't of been nicer people. As for arrogant Glaswegians: I bet it was just them lot walking around like arrogant English
Every1 that I met was sound. The music and the venue were class as well as the Dj's. Our party back at the Travelodge was utter madness, besst laugh in a while! It was class to see Claire and people again aswell! Really good weekend! I'll deffo be back
ok , ignorant people in general then , the ones that push u out the way n bump in to u all the time !! Actually we spoke to a few people from glasgow that were really nice people !! ...fidds..
Does anyone know what Tiesto played other than those named in this thread ?? There was a couple of tunes that were outstanding trance, banging as fuck and just kicked right off
tiesto and ornadel were mind wullie d stole the show i found that the blokes with tattos n skinhead everywhere banged in to you were the ones who appologised the crowd was shit nothing like ive experienced there in the past like and fidds that fire extinghisher scared the shit outta me fuck knows wat was going through my head at that time and i completly blame craig for the state i was in joke i was fucking gone wen we picked him up, his first words about 3:30 in the afternoon were "fucking hell u look worse than me!" crack in the car on the way down was quality like some classic lines both comedy and other type, and hotel crack was canny good aswell and craig....... jobo - "wheres the bin in the front" Wardy - "aww fucking hell its that rainy snow" Wwat u mean sleet?"