Its worse being called Aaron, I'm first in every bastard persons phonebook so if they ever knock their phone they ring me Glad the night went well
I know what you mean, I once rang my boss (Alex) by knocking my phone & ever since I have allways added 'AAA' as the first name in my mobile phonebook.
Glad to hear it went well!! Sorry I couldn't make it down had about 3 shopping bags which I didn't fancy taking into liquid with me!! And don't worry about the's not what you want but I think most people accept that in a city-centre bar shit is going to happen. Just don't let it spoil everyone elses night!
u missed a goodone mate. its to expected as u say, but they should all be lined up and shot. i hate charvers. :evil:
glad it went well lads sorry i couldnt go, snowed under with uni work atm but jimmy ur set looks proper banging
just a few words. what the fuck happened last night? all i can remember was dicks starting trouble, and most of the night up until bout half 8. class night tho. rob played a blinder as did everyone apart from allie. hope nicks alright. bring on the xmas party