1 Laurent garnier 3hr set @ space 2deep dish&h-foundation @ t in the park 3 between michael telford @ resistance and steve lawler @ space
pvd - creamfields and sugarshack 10th bday! well hard to choose johan gielen - promise (most recent) glazby - tidy weekender 4 and i have to say the best live act i have saw this year had to be k90 @ tidy weekender 4! he was fuckin amazing!
pvd @ sugarshack 10th b`day eddie halliwell @ gg / matt hardwick @ promise (cant decide) signum @ promise
very tough to narrow down to 3 but I would have to say: 1 Armin @ gatecrasher - 8hour set. 2 Hardwick @ Promise, june 3 Jon O Bir @ Promise, july