Top up fees

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by SoapieTW, Oct 9, 2006.

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  1. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    I still believe in the old thinking that people who earn more money since they got degree's, will pay back the cost of their education in the higher income tax they will (or did) inevitably earn.

    Unfortunately the man in charge has you both ways these times - not only do you get taxed through the nose when you do 'eventually' make these mythical high earnings - you pay for getting the qualification in the first instance.

    Taxed twice. No thanks.
  2. SoapieTW

    SoapieTW Registered User

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Away with the fairies
    Yeh because that makes life so much easier! Thats a ridiculous comment you might be able to cope with the potential of managing debt but there are tons of people in the country who can't for various reasons.
  3. SoapieTW

    SoapieTW Registered User

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Away with the fairies
    Fair point about saving up but then once the cap is "potentially" removed in 5 years time then it could be that tuition fees go up to 5k or even 10k a year! How long would that take you to save up and also how would you get that money from jobs you aquire from just leaving th form?
  4. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    I preferred the UNI system the way it used to be - I fail to see how pushing a load of thickies into uni and loading them up with debt has improved the system in the slightest.

    Both my parents work for Newcastle uni and from what they say, its become a quagmire of beauracracy and inefficiency.
  5. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    I am always stunned how many students moan about debt, yet don't work during the holidays or get pub jobs etc during term time. Yes, it is hard, and it is ridiculous the amount of debt some people come out with, but there are ways to lessen it as you go.

    I firmly believe there are too many people going to university, particularly in cases where much more could be learnt on the job. Degrees are becoming almost meaningless.
  6. J

    J Mummy To A Baby Boy

    Dec 8, 2005
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    This is what i dont get the people who live me have spent the majority of there £££ on :drunk: then they whinge that there poor and have no £

    Im at Uni full time but im also working 30 hours to keep as much out of debt as possible its like 1 big holiday to some

    At least my degree is vocational and il have a job at the end of it

    The top up fee's are a farce though :rolleyes:
  7. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    People are sold this idea that a degree with suddenly give them this amazing quality of life and open so many doors of opportunity. The prospectuses they show you at sixth form present this rose tinted view of just how life is going to be for you .... and the alternative, not going to uni - just doesnt bear thinking of.

    Then you leave uni, and find that your competing with dozens of other people for the same jobs - and that your average starting salary is something like 13 grand now. Jesus i spend more on my rent and transport costs.

    If this system is going to work, there needs to be some kind of cultural shift where people actually need to think about how they are going to pay for this 'education' up front and during the time they are at uni - and not putting off the inevitability of paying this huge debt until another day.

    Definately too many people at uni, all blinded by this 'life will be better' rubbish.
  8. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    I agree on some degrees, but I know plenty of people who worked and got good degrees. One guy on my course had a young family, which surely takes up more time and effort than a part time job, yet he managed to get a 1st.
  9. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    I did a fine art degree which I guess must be one of the worst in terms of career prospects. I got a grant to go do it, fees paid. I would never have taken on debt to do that degree but I have made a living as an artist ever since and paid taxes which I would not have done if I'd have staid in the shit jobs I was doing before.
    It seems so unfair that the generation who benefited from free education have pulled the ladder up behind them and left people today struggling with mountains of debt
  10. French William

    French William _________________

    Oct 24, 2005
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    That's a bullshit urban myth that was created in a medic faculty years ago. I know two medics who both worked during uni, one got a first and the other got a 2:1. I know the work load is higher than most courses, and perhpas a term-time PT job would be too much, but there's no way you can't work over summer (apart from electives I know).
  11. SoapieTW

    SoapieTW Registered User

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Away with the fairies
    I think that working through your debt is a good idea, I've done it whilst I've been at Uni and there are people who yes do winge about debt and don't get off their arse and work. However it's not even the debt to do with going out and not working, with the new fee system it is inevitable that students will come out with debt no matter if they work or not.

    I don't agree with the thought that the best Unis will just accept people who can pay as grades will still be put in place for people to get onto the courses.

    I think it is harsh that the generation who did benefit from free education have just sacked off the idea of looking back and heping those who can't any more.

    What the current camapign is fighting for is that students shouldn't have to put up with the thought of unbearable debt and so are put off with going to Uni when they really want to. It also doesn't agree with students paying ridiculous amounts of money to have an education!

    I don't agree that Uni is seen as the only way forward as I do thin there are plenty of other vocations and careers which are amazing that you don't need a degree for and this should be highlighted to 6th formers. but that is all part of the goverment initiative to push so many students into Uni.
  12. Guest

    Re: Top up fees

    This will apply to me too, I have two years of school left :(
  13. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    i go to uni, college and work for a bank :lol: :lol: its inevitable that i'll fail somewhere, especially considering the lack of preparation ive had going back into uni for my final year

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