in snatch they are "Pikeys" People seem to overlook the fact that these people are travelling showmen. Professionals. Not gypsies. Not pikeys. Some of them drive insanely expensive cars. Gyppos just trial along, they used to pitch up on neighbouring moors but that was clamped down on a good few years ago. The only proper gypsies are at the far end, with the tarot reading caravans. Unfortunatley, some of the helpers are pretty rough and they are the ones who get the fair a bad name.
haha I was clapping you as I thought you were taking a pop at the racial slur... but you just used it yourself... cock
I kno quiet a few of them i'm supposed to be going to wots called the showmans ball @ digital on wed night
No. I still dissaprove of peoples attitudes towards showmen. Wasnt meant to be negative at all. They all get called "pikeys" or "gyppos" which is bollocks. But there are proper gypsies, with their caravans, on the moor. Thats not racist. I fail to see the need for you to bring racism into every possible topic....
its an annoying habbit of this board, i cant say anything because i do it for a joke but i know wot you meen. anyway is it even racist? is it just not classed as discrimination when you call a gypsy, well a gypsy?
the smurf is just trying to make you bite a gyppo is a gyppo who cares there scum bags, thieving smelly dirty rats
Because they are pikeys!!!! the majority of them drive around with out liscences or insurance There evil end of
Gypos is a racial term about 5 people have just told the board they hate "gypo's".... Perhaps I bring racism into things because you're a bunch of racist cocks?
And all women from the North East are ugly, charva sluts. Think about what you are saying, maybe your gross generalisations will become more obvious to you. Maybe not. Joe's comment on the racial slur was the use of the word "gyppos", in the same way as "Paki" is deemed a racial slur.
fair enough - Joe wins. back to the topic? Fair starts this Friday by the way! hopefully the weather will be good.