i want a vw hippy van and go travelling around europe with endless amounts of kitchen roll in the back. thats my life ambition. i can only dream man...
Lucky sod! How long you going for? What were those steps all about in Foundation? It was full of the nights fuck ups! After all those nights at Foundation i never knew they even existed!
3 weeks...bang on for the carnival in Rio too! And that's why i sat you there It was next to the fire exit, and it was a lot cooler than the rest of the club, although you were so wrecked you probably didn't notice that!
That 'll be class! I was going to go once but couldnt get the time off work! Oh there i know where it is now. I was gone, and kept getting lost!?
yeah i was! didnt wanna spiol ure nite im not cool enough 2 be in ure crowd yet, ill say a breef hello bit crack and move on
I want to go away backpacking for a while, thinking places like Peru, New Zealand, Cuba, India, Israel and make sure I see the amazon. Just get away from all the western cities/life and experience walking in awe amongst mountain ranges and practically untouched natural landscapes.
You might want to try out wwoofing by the way. Type WWOOF into google, you basically do usually a couple of hours work for people a day and they will feed you/house you and sometimes give you some money to spend. People can end up doing some amazing stuff, working on various plantations and projects, experiencing other cultures properly and saving a load of cash in the process.