Ruth I would defo recommend going to Sinapore it is lush, it is so clean it's unreal, even chewing gum is banned!! But it is worth it, I was only about 16 when I went but I still enjoyed it loads. Ther's an island to go to which is a sort of theme park just off singapore as well I think it begins with a C whih was really nice too I went to the China Wall, didn't walk across it just went to the entrance and looked at it but again it looked amazing, it was far too humid to do anything though, I went in May. I like travelling but I prefer jsut to lie on beaches and get a tan rather than visiting the sites which is a waste really going all that way, but I am ust far too lazy to walk around in the heat, and I don't like tan lines
Wise words! I had a dream the other day that I ran away to France and I was completely unprepared! I only had £20 in me bank account and was running out of phone battery. Had a bit of a panic on for a while, but then I found a pub to clear my head. Needless to say I got a job in a shoe factory and everything turned out rosey. The French wernt very helpful tho
I would love to go travelling on my own. I dont think Id get bored cos I like being by myself. But Id be totally terrified for my safety.
Most backpackers tend to travel on there own. Personally i couldnt do it. I like to share my experiences.
Spot on cheers I am thinking of going with a mate, he's really keen on doing Central America so we could be looking into doing that then moving south.
Fiji actually looks amazing. But not really much to see or do? I dunno like, I havent looked, but isnt it a massive honeymoon destination? Lush tho *edit* My pics didnt work
Regarding travelling on your own, it is amazing and forces you to talk to people you might not otherwise; you get to go where you want, when you want with no-one arguing that you're changing the plans or that they don't want to do something etc. On the downside, it isn't as much fun when you get back as you've got no-one to reminisce with (unless you keep in touch with people you met along the way). If you do go with someone, I'd make it a rule that you can split up for short periods of time if you want to, and meet up again further down the line. And do buy the Lonely Planet guides, as they give you so much information on what to see, where to stay and eat etc. They are particularly good if you are travelling on your own, as everyone else has them so you will meet up with loads of people along the way. I did Indonesia (Java and Bali) for a month on my own about 10 years ago, and loved every minute of it.
Peru and the inca trail are experiences of a lifetime - I did 3 weeks for about 1500 quid but i did 3 internal flights at less than a days notice and left the inca trail till the last minute so it cost double the price. You can get by on less than 10 quid a day including a youth hostel bed - its absolutely dirt cheap. Getting out there is the most expensive part ... staying there costs bugger all. Sounds cheesy - but travelling changes you. Seriously. It makes you look at things a whole lot differently. China is incredible too - i did that for 6 weeks a good 7 years ago ..... Same with Japan. Total culture shocks - brilliant. Im back off to china/hong kong soon (March) - word up!
My parents are going (to china!) in May Cookee - on a tour group thing. All my pestering finally paid off ..... Also an option if you cannae find anyone to go with. Mebbz an idea?
They pack tons and tons into the three weeks - Beijing, Pandas, Great Wall, Teracotta Warriors, Yangtse River, Shanghai and then they finish in Hong Kong .... Would love to do it again like. Oh to have all that free time and be 19 again
That sounds awesome. So does being 19 again lol. Im gonna look into it, or Peru this year. Im defo away somewhere good
Good advice about getting a good bag (earlier on in this post). Still got my old Blacks backpack and use it to this day for everything from moving house, coming up north, and business trips! A good backpack is a must! (Hold great memories too!)
i've been looking up on Peru, it looks amazing. A the moment i'm definately swinging towards going to South America, and it's probably gonna be for 3 months. We may start in Central America, just gona find a bit more about costs etc before deciding Cheers for all the help