The Fun Company - Zambezi.... its been hammered @ all the soul/funk ngihts I've been too - god knows why this as its a 90's tune current songs The Darkness - Growing On Me Gets caned everywhere I go.
Do you have any further details on this Joe, cause just done a quick web search and nothing comes up..?
I could sing it too you (very distinct hammond sound over a jb-esk slap bassline, lots of wah effects), I have no idea why its getting played - was a small 90's funk group... its the only tune I've heard from them, to my knowledge it hasn't been re-released... but I keep hearing it out - which confuses me to fuck as its a rare as fuck tune. my guess is: its been bootlegged - like a lot of soul tracks do a huge box of unsold records has been discovered and found its way into every funk dj's box. I'm hearing things Its a classic and as I'm newish to the scene I didn't know ti was the blue monday of funk
It made me look cool though In the past 2 month I've been to about 5 soul nights and it was played at 4 of them
Got it: Schroll down the page for some real audio...!
now after hearing this I garuantee you will hear this song everywhere u go - which is a good thing btw stomping site