Re: University The first time I went to uni it was York University. I had originally planned to go to Durham to do history but didnt get the grades, so I decided to stay in my home town and do Applied Social Science. It was alright, but not all it cracked up to be. I think it would have been a lot better had I moved away from home..... .... which is what I did for my Masters. I'm doing Social Work at Durham University and have really enjoyed my time here, although thats more to do with the fact that I love the North East than the uni or the course, which is dead hard. Finish in June though- wooopie doooo!! Good luck with your course I'd defo recommend you try and throw yourself into the student lifestyle as much as poss, no matter how old you are. I worked 30hrs a week when I was at York, so i missed my chance to be a lazy fucker, and I doubt I'll get the chance again unless I live to retirement age, which is highly unlikely!
i've enjoyed it although now its dragging. worst thing is i picked a course i thought i would be good at and not a course that i would enjoy. i just have no passion for what i am doing and know that there are other courses i could have done better at because i could enjoy the subject matter so much more. still its a great experience and worth it for so many reasons... and it is best to get away from home and be independant.
worth the effort, it you have a decent job lined up, BEFORE you start. I think my bin man probs has a degree. I am sure sunderland uni does a 2 4 1 deal on degrees.
Amazing times! Met some great new friends and had loads of great times away from home and learnt more from being away from home. It's a great experience, hihgly recommend moving to a uni away from home if you can
yeh move away. I moved here to uni and there were people who lived here and they didn't get half the experiences that we did. Good and bad. And you never again will get a time when you can be so free. And reinvent/find yourself. And my best mates are all from that time.
nothing to do with the fact it'll have taken you FIVE years to do your degree?* *assuming you don't fail again
haha. no, i never enjoyed most of what we did, i must have mentioned that... i've always been better at subjects like history, politics and social sciences, even psychology interests me more than the environment. and i didnt fail the first time scruffy-kins, i just didnt get the mark i wanted but as you know, its not what you know its who you know...
Dont go to university unless the degree you get at the end of it will lead to a qualification that will get you a job. Mickey mouse courses might have been ok to do back in the days when there were no course fee's and you got a small grant and could come out of uni with little or no debts ..... but these days the years and years and years of debt repayments are no joke. Aside from that, its an experience not to be missed - however you use the time.
Served it's purpose.... went to Glasgow for around 4-5 years, did a BSc, Pgd and Msc whilst working 3-4 night shifts a week in Tesco. Ended up with a good job in a simlar field and am now working in the TOON in a role/title almost exactly the same as my Pgd/Msc. You'll not get a job with decent qualifications alone, you need some personality and drive in my experience of interviewing people over the last year.
thats true. So many people go to uni nowadays that degrees are nothing special(unless you get a first), and it is proving harder to find a job when you graduate. I found it really hard to get a job in the social care sector, and in hindsight wished I had done some voluntary work while still at uni. The only jobs around seemed to be awful graduate jobs working for huge companies - yawn yawn, I can think of nothing worse! So yeah, do something else like join a society/ volunteer- anything to put on your CV that will make you stick out from the rest a bit!
What are you applying for or what have you applied for Moi? I just sent me UCAS form off it should have been done before xmas really Not many places did the course I actually want to do, and Northumbria really is by far the best when it comes to Fashion Marketing, so Im thinking of staying here. Im really excited for going though I feel totally ready to finish A-levels I hate having to juggle all the different subjects. Im also really interested in the course Ive applied for If I end up at Northumbria I would never stay at home anyway...but Ive been thinking more about moving away recently!! I want to go to Northumbria but with my mum working there and stuff I dunno if it would be weird. Good luck anyway. :angel3:
Ive been twice 1st time I was 17 and had never lived away from home and moved into a flat with 6 other people in similair situations. I then got given £1500 student loan and absolutely rinsed it on items like £105 Skateboards (used 3 times) , £170 Roller Blades (used once and then lost) , ridiculous amounts of pot , a 500w sound system , 4/5 nights out a week. Failed first year so repeated it and did the above again Worked for 6 years and then went back last year , still skipping classes but getting the work done.....Being able to download the notes off the internet is a very bad invention
Northumbria's class Im totally gutted bout leaving uni this year, i'd be a student my whole life if i could Deffo move out tho Katie when you go, the first year I had at uni i was still at home and it was basically like goin to school. Moved out in my second year and its absolutely class! Main reason I dont wanna leave is coz chances are i'm not gona be living with the same people next year (worse still I mite have to move back wiv me folks)
I would def move out darlin. My mum even said you should leave Shes blatantly counting the days down. I know Northumbria would be dead good, I have good mates here and like it here etc. N what would I do without Jess? I cant believe its ur last year dazzle!