Tell me about it im absolutely gutted, considering staying on and doin a masters but not sure if I wanna or not. I'll do anything to avoid getting a job for a few more years U applying for fahion like?
Nah she just thought she would tell us its the best uni for fashion marketing because shes doing a teaching degree
they just seem hotter becasue theres none in the computing school! i was starved at uni! good job i had a lass and lovedough
so true mate , there are 2 semi decent girls on our course and thats out of 180 students (and 10 girls) no wonder they are all idiotic virgins there are a couple of them who knock about with this one girl (who is a howler) and they are lke 12 year olds , proper bullying her and pretending to rough her up etc....makes me feel good about my life
I hated my whole time at University, should've quit in my first year but thought I'd stick it out but really really hated it, came home all the time in my first year, possibly the fact my boyfriend was in Newcastle but even in the 2nd and 3rd year I stayed down there, but was always counting down the days till I could come home and always cried my eyes out when I had to go back. The job I have now doesn't really require a degree and I really wish i'd just done an apprentiship or something, the only thing i found good about the whole thing was that it gave me the independence and I would probably still be living at home with my parents now
Management and specialised in Accounting and Finance :yawn: All the friends I made were into Indie music whihc i didn't really like and they wouldn't go anywhere else which made it a bit shit, and I misse dout on freshers week altogether cos they didn't have any accommodation so had to put me in a hotel for 10 days was jsut really rubbish, it wasn't for me, think I'm one of the few that didn't enjoy it, most of my other mates thoroughly enjoyed it
i hated uni! proper wank. my course was full of geeks and there was one fit bird but she was only at the monday 9am lecture so i saw her twice in a year probs. if your gonna do somthing do somthing with hotties.
I didnt really like university 'life' either - apart from the 3 years of doing nothing much other than shack up with my old girlfriend for most of the time, sleep for 12 hours a night and generally laze around. The rest of uni life didnt appeal to me - which was made worse by the number of 'cv builders' on my course (also accounting and finance) where i got the impression that most people would screw anyone over for a few extra percentage marks ..... The whole false friendship thing that most people gave the impression of proper did my head in. Then again i was in the accounting department at newcastle, with a high percentage of 'intelligent' (or stuck up) people. .... Depends on the course, the uni, and the people eh - but the whole 'experience' (as others call it) isnt for everyone.
that could have been your downfall brid.... i had a wicked time, met some cool people and shagged some fit birds who can complain about that.
Nah i disagree - Some people take to the university life quite well.... i wasnt that kind of person. I might have had a different experience yes, but i would have ended up doing what my degree was about as a career ..... instead i taught myself development and the web trade instead of going to lectures and immersing myself with other people and ............ well ive never looked back. two steps back yes.... but ten steps forward in the long term in my opinion