aaah the honeymoon period excellent glad your enjoying yourself though ve been with mine 4 years on March 23rd we still do a lot of things together but ive had to make way to about 13 different types of computer its great being 2nd best
stu's going away with uni to malta what a waste of ££ but he's taking me to stay in the malmaison and for a nice meal when he gets back - i suppose that makes up for it so anyone who wants to come out on the piss with me is more than welcome to
I'm seeing someone but i want to go to see Huey from the Fun Loving Criminals at WHQ that night with my friends so we can drool on him. Not sure how to tell the young chap i dont want to be with him on V's day :think:
go to sunderland and see all the try hards and misfits. natalie will tell you how bad some of them were
Do something with him during the day instead. I've run out of original ideas for a prezzie for my bloke (or should i say, hubby) .... what do you guys like as valentines prezzies ?? porn the next best option to a personal well thought out gift ?????
It's gorgeous over there Really really clean and even chewing gun is banned, all the hotels are gorgeous too