Well I'm off for a romantic evening with a chicken & mushroom king pot noodle, and 350 Nissan motors that I need to fit parts to. live the dream
i'm off to morrisons to stack shelves hopefully there be lots of hot students in today to help me through it.
at least you two are in the outside world. Its highly unlikely anything fit will be wandering round my world today as i'm shut in my room starting at my lack of dissertation
I have 600 other blokes for company...hardly the best enviroment if your straight apparently there may be a nice weekend ahead after the torment of overtime
Working with all the soppy couples! ergh god it makes me SICK when they start feeding each other desserts! i have to walk away in embarrassment!
i have just entered a 'Valentines Poem' competition @ work to win a meal or summit. here's my entry A Story of True Luuuuurve There once was a young man called Andy Whos mam was a little bit randy His Mam was called Dot, she had a nice Bot She would do anything for a shandy Dot once met a young man called Joe Who had a massive big toe He said suck it and see, she said sounds good to me So come on lets give it a go Joe’s toe nail cut dot’s bottom lip After this she needed a kip She woke with a start and said joking apart They really could do with a clip Joe & Dot they went out one day Thanks to Andy, he offered to pay They went for some bate and then to the gate It got to eleven but they wanted to stay Joe said my love knows no bounds After you’ve bought me a couple of rounds I’ll buy you a rose for sucking my toes And we’ll get married, how does that sound ?
Re: Valentines Day Kicked out of bed lol, then a card flung at me as I was driving. What a fucking hallmark holiday.