Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting You know what I actually thought of an excellent reply to this but then thought to myself whats the point you and your gang will only try and slate me anyway so i'll stick with my previous post tosser
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting Gang? mate, I am the fucking message board equivalent of Arnie in Commando so let off some steam Bennett
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting You and your clique, in the past week theres about 4 of you that twist peoples posts so much that you always end up in an argument with them. Maybe you need to get laid more
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting Please enligten me to as to who is in my gang? I feel quite honoured to be part of a crew who cause misery to many worthless lives on a msg board and please dont attempt to insult me because you have nothing
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting You and a few others just look back through my previous posts I cant be arsed. It wasnt an insult more advice mate, if your this argumentative all the time then there must be something wrong.....simple and easiest solution is to get laid
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting ok thanks Sigmund (if you are going to try and insult me, atleast actually have something factual to go off)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting I have better things to do with my time than sit on here arguing about things with you mate
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting If you think this is an argument then your not as clever as I first thought
haha Ben there's no gang - a couple of folks have disagreed with you that's all.... don't take it to heart "fella".
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting gang?? me, you, Joe,conway?????? :spangled: can we be the scooby gang MkII?
Once again the wheels are falling off this governments wagon in a horrific manner .... no less than THREE of Bliars cabinet are in serious trouble at the SAME time now! How many people are left in the cabinet who havent been associated with some kind of sleaze or scandal ? Manufacturing has been destroyed, debt increased, mickey mouse jobs created and now being cut, a war we didnt want and sold to us on a pack of lies, corrupt politicians, university grants eliminated and fees introduced, debt, debt, debt........ ..... But hey, im sure we dont want the torys in charge eh *irony* Broken record mode off
you can't remember the worst of the thatcher years can you though!! I'm no fan of blair/clarke/hewitt but believe me its nowhere near as bad as it could be
I dont mate mate no harm done I just cant be arsed posting anything interesting now thats all if anything at all
Well..... i really am starting to look back on the Thatcher years as some of the most important for britain in the past 40 years or so. Put it this way, with her government you knew what you were getting whether you liked it or not - She took the 'sick man of europe' and turned britain into one of the most important countries in the world again. Yep - many people were put out of work and there were many grim years for alot of people (me and my family included) ..... but we came out of those tough times with low inflation, a stable economy and alot of people with a changed set of ideas about hard work and education. ..... From my perspective, all labour have done is come along and borrow money to create jobs, whilst taxing the shit out of everyone to pay for millions of people to sit around at home doing nothing. Now the money is running out and everyone is knee deep in debt, and we are left with an economy kept running on credit cards, cheap dvd players, ipods and call centres. What does britain produce anymore? Whats there to be proud of? I wouldnt say i was a tory - but to be honest i do look up to Maggie as a shit kicking, no nonsense female who basically just said it like it was ..... instead of lies and spin like we have today. Having said that - i wouldnt vote for todays tory party.
Re: Voting there all scum mate i aint voting for non of the lieing bastards to quote monty "VOTE NON OF THE ABOVE !!!!!!!"
Re: Re: Voting Aye because you probably couldn't figure out how to when you got to the polling station