ya should of seen the size of these hornet things in turkey they were like pitbulls with wings a lighter and a can of Java soon sorted the big bastards out tho
Must of been that rose scented soap that she's been using to get rid of that infection Rossy gave her
i remember being trapped by thaaaasand of the little sods on a field when i was a youngen. we used to have a honeysuckle bush in the back garden which attracted loads of bees, in the summers i used to hit em all with a baseball ball, hours of fun my mates shit scared of them, he proper freaks out when ones near him. we were driving around the lakes and one was in the car hilarious, we nearly went into a hedge
when we were kids, me and my mates built this treehouse thing and never relised the tree had a fucken wasps nest in it the wasps kicked off, we ran away, they were in my fucken hair and everything :evil: was supposed to go to judo that night and when i got in my mates dads car one crawled out my jacket pocket shite old mk1 fiesta 3 door + me in the back squeeling and jumping around = near miss crash
I remember when a was little we were camping in Hoddam Castle, when me cousin stood on a hive, he got stung reet on the nose and fainted and had to be rushed to the doctors and shit. Flippin hilarious
i seriously hate these horrid little creatures...they serve no purpose but to make us run & scream & look like tits :evil: