they add all kind of E numbers and shit to fizzy drink.. they fuck your teeth up and damage/rot your stomach lining.. I doubt the carbon does much good to your insides either.. main reason I stopped drinking them was cos the caffiene constantly made me feel shitty and lethargic..
aye i used to drink coke, lemonade and other fizzy drinks all the time, even used to have a bottle by the bed... now i barely touch the stuff as it made me into an insomniac, i sleep far better when i just drink water or juice.
when i drink coke it quenches my thirst for a few minutes then i feel worst than i did beforehand, i prefer water or milk
i know there bad for me but i just love them, and my teeth are in good nick i'm 24 and i've never had any fillings, so alls well with my teeth.
lightweight, when i was in one of my old jobs they had free drink vending machines, id go through about 10 teas/ fruit juices a day. the free expresso came in handy when id been out the night before and got 2 hours kip
I probably drink going on 3 litres a day when im at work...I always have a couple of bottles of water on my desk...It's not because im thirsty neccessarily, just habit
its approx 2 litres a day, supposedly 8 large glasses. I drink loads of it or try to. Keeps your skin good and i got used to it being the only think to drink in the house when i was in 1st yr at uni
Same here but that goes for my 2nd and 3rd year too! Can't get enough of the stuff! Another fact - Water lubricates your joints so it's great to drink fook loads before you do lots of exercise.