Never ever been like that tbh. One of the blokes at work is like that, got to have at least 4 cans every night. It's just like people who go to the pub every night, just don't get it myself
Me neither anymore, 2006 is going to be very different for me like!! Its like a habit i suppose, bit like yiou with poppers when you're clubbing
Aye well i quit smoking after ten years so my stella habit will be easy Gonna start playing ice hockey again i reckon
This weekend..... NAFF ALL !!!!! Need to save money for the slopes in a few weeks time. So i think ill sit around, play on my xbox360, watch dvds, go shopping in Guildford, mess about on the 1's and 2's, and maybe cook something out of my Jamies Italy Cookbook. Bliss
I haven't had a day off since before Christmas, including Christmas Day, its reaching the point where I can't face waking up in the morning. this masters should have come with a health warning
spending the weekend with my beautiful doing not a lot if i have my way about it!! still recovering from whatever nasty illness decided to attack me over the past few weeks so want a nice weekend of love, dvd's and food lol!!
revising, stressing, doin assignment, having a break and same again for the next 5 days over the wkend
Jess we will not be hitting the bay! Friday I wanna go out or stay in and party :wiggle: Saturday day I have work... Sat night - Lauren wants to do something coop? Sunday - dinner
Yeah I thought whitley would be funny if the girls hit it or something wild!! town too pricey...maybe mortal at a restie?
Girls all went down whitley on nye, so no-one will want to go this week! We could go to a restie I suppose...but we'd have to go to town anyway
ahem! me and gran are being generous and having our meal together on the 14th. thats a saturday, if theres a match on this time i'm going to put a snow machine on the pitch the night before.
This weekend I am mostly doing uni work (got an assignment to hand in next week) and watching TV, generally relaxing.