Tonight - Staying in Friday - Going out for a meal with some friends Saturday - Shopping and then celebrating my new job on the night Sunday - Day of rest....
amsterdam for me this weekend,my mates stag weekend.. friday;stoned sat;stoned & red light district sunday;stoned again
Friday - pool in Sheffield. Saturday afternoon first toon match ever, then off to Shindig. Sunday crawling back down the motorway then sleep.
Not really, don't have a clue who they are playing or why it matters. Just heard it's a good place to see what prem' football is like atmosphere wise.
Room 1 : Defected In The House - DJ GREGORY / COPYRIGHT / Scooby Room 2 : JAMES HOLROYD (Basics) / Neil Bainbridge
I'm doin the same as the last few weeks. Friday - College work after work then seein the misses on the night Saturday - Work till 12 then college work pretty much all day.. Sunday - Lie in till about 10.30/11 then college work all day again. Need to build an entire VB database accessing program over the weekend.. I'm in for a wild one!