Friday - Drinks, Restaurant and bars. Saturday - Day out, cooking a meal and a night in with wine and dvd's. Sunday - Driving around in the pimp mobile, finishing website, mixing cd for Si Quick and Yoga in the evening.
Not alot, only got back form Holland on tues nite, so im well skinted!! but anyway... Tonite:: Going out for a chinese! I love chinese, so much!! 2moro: going to the other halfs for the nite, sun: sunday lunch!! Mon: my shark diving thing for got vhanged, but its finally happening now! wooo, nervopus tho!
how was the rest of your hol sam? u find anythin to do other than get wrecked? im doing uni work all wkend dissertation wont write itself unfortunately goin to house warming on sat night tho dan - if u and mick are still coming give me a ring or text on sat and il come and get yas b4 i go over