rob last night was wild!! im a bit ill but will try and recover as much as i can for later cant stop raving!!!
Friday - Nightshift Saturday - Packing as I'm moving soon, pint with Rob in town. Sunday - Lunch with the lads and a few jars
i prob wont see u cause im not meeting him till later! keep him under control, he's promised to stay out ALLLL night
I'm never the one that needs looking after, there was one clear winner for the 'in a total state by 2am' award last night and it was neither of us.
i really wish i had never entered this thread, im 1hr before the end of a 12hr shift and im absolutley starvin and that pic really hasnt helped
awww bless sarah!! she'd been raving till the early hours the night before so she had reason to be tired and feel sick! hope u got home ok chick :flowers: im ILL today had a good night though rob - defs gotta do it again