Friday - shopping Sat - meal down the quayside / drinks for a friends birthday Sun - my little sisters birthday so i guess itl involve her
Friday - Not alot Saturday - Hyenna cafe for fidd's 30th birthday then after party at mine Sunday - I will not be judging a best dressed penguin competition as planned as it has been canelled Monday - taken a holiday to recover:drunk:
friday, work and stay in, saturday work, then get my free xbox 360, then out to shindig for my birthday celebrations for the boy that is angello. sunday my mothers coming up to take me out to lunch for my birthday
I think I probably am as well. Got loads of revision to do for my exams and I could do with saving the quids. Though as a few of my mates are back from uni I might see if they want to go for a couple of drinks to catch up.
alistair has just rung saying he is coming up on sat too!how exciting! I'm supposed to be going out thurs, fri and sat but think i'm just going to do thurs and sat nights else i might ruin myself completely for the race for life!
Friday - Travelling to Alton Towers for my belated B'day present off Cookee, then staying over at a hotel, can't wait Sat - Nice breakfast, head back home, going somewhere on the way back, possibly the Peak District, or anyone else got any ideas? Sunday - Take Aaron out, and probably the pictures later on
I can't have raised a bit of money and actually want to do itplus thinking it maight help the bikini look for my Hols next week
I did the cancer run a few weeks ago then went for a big steak at the pub afterwards, was a quality little day out