Friday: Staying in with a couple mates and me boyfriend for a few :beer: Saturday: Drinks and stuff at mine :drunk: :beer: :finger: :wiggle: Sunday: Probs the grotto for more :beer: then recovering
aye i know with the amount u knock back at wkends thought was bout time u had a wkend off to recover like. :laugh: good luck stayin sober this wkend eh :spangled:
how much I knock back must have learnt that from you u!! I know there quite alot of vodka to be taken in this weekend, so I mite save the stayin sober for next weekend
ha ha well wud b shame to c it go to waste will only b a temptation if its there so best to drink the house dry so is no temptation next wkend :laugh:
Friday - Seeing some friends off to Ibiza for the summer, then drinks with the lads then promise Saturday - Work then a BBQ Sunday - Work then the beach if the weather holds
Friday - chilling out, do me hair, do me acrylics, watch a dvd Saturday - Frantic vs Wildchild Sunday - chill out some more Monday - off to look after some neigh neighs
FRIDAY - BBQ in the garden, few drinks, a :chill: and then play poker till the wee hours of the morning SATURDAY - undecided (probably a party at me mates house) SUNDAY - thinking about going up to the blue lagoon in a few car fulls.drink smoke swim and a bit footy , then back to the boozer for a few.
fri / half day early start round mine then bars then promise/afters or to the park :groovy: (weather permitting..) sat / wax some cash.. back on the lash then shindig/bambu i think.. sun / the beach again and treats from kard bar...
Friday - 24 hour call at work unfortunetley so wont be making promise. all good as it goes towards ibiza though. Saturday - Working till 12, few beers with the lads at dinner and then into town. Sunday - BBQ & drinks
Fri : Pre-Promise Chez Laz/Promise/afters alá Chez Laz Sat : Garden and B&Q Sun : Garden and BBQ (subtle )
ring me babe i've lost the stupid bit of paper with ur number on n havent had chance to save it to my new fone... whos having a bbq btw....?!?!