£70/80 me thinks! I want someone trustworthy to keep my coin! After the bottle of whiskey i plan to demolish on the way down i'll probs just loose it
i dunno how ppl manage to spend so much money at these places. :think: u got your ticket and other 'stuff' b4 u get there and only need money for few drinks while u can still drink and food on way down lol suppose i should just b grateful i never spend much
I've got nowt 'sorted' just been to the bank @ lunch time. I got zero money now! I've got £80 left for me, the rest is debt. Fuck knows how i'm gonna manage when the rents are away
awww u just ask them to leave 'emergency money' when they away and make up one so u can spend the money
lol classy anyway back to the latest weather update it doesnt even look like its gonna rain much http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/FREE/event_forecast.asp?eventID=13 so mite not even need wellies
lol prob not like has been heavy rain all week so wont hav dried out and by time all the fri nite lot hav stamped all over it will still b muddy field. just looks like no more rain :groovy: