yeah, the chippie with all the drugs, legal of course! i bet the cameras stopped b4 he sold the pills and weed to the kiddies! gonna have to pay it a visit i reckon, see what the £10 poopers are like! and yeah, the ponderosa was cool, we should try and find it and have a few drinks with the old timers, bet theyd have a few things to say get em started on asylum seekers, imagine the banter!!
think i've been there, i took a picture of the legal drugs sign, an he tried to make me erase it! i'll put it up if i can find it/be arsed later
yes, i have been to the happy chippie it does sell drugs tis unusual buyin chips n gravy, with a side order of 'liquid e' (was new to me, thought i would have a look ) long live the happy chippie :groovy:
Re: Westenders I WANT THESE VIDEOS!!! This is funnier than anything else around! The program totally takes the piss out of these people that have lost the plot on life! Jimmy Saville is the best tho!!! The nutter that live at teh top of some flats and hates everyone is also funny
Re: Re: Westenders That Jimmy Saville bloke is the most unfunny bloke ever. Theres some right twats on that show. Its quality viewing
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Westenders The guy that runs the Happy Chip lives next door to me, and the spiritual healer/transexual is a friend of mine.
that is a v scary place... when i went there was this weird guy looking at us funny, an i assumed it was my mate they were looking at, so started to take the piss out of her... then she told me it was the gay area, i shat myself, looked back at the guy an he winked at me! an we had to stand there for another 5 mins while we were waiting for food... a fukking scary nite that was!