What happened to PROMISE???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by james, Mar 4, 2002.

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  1. Guest

    what's me liking shindig more than promise got to do with gurn.net?
  2. Guest

    i think promise's 'balance' is spot on too!!!!

    why am i always mis-quoted on this board?!!

    everyone seems to forget posts i have put in the past saying how fucking impressive promise is becoming and how gutted i was when i saw the line up for the coming months coz i can't got to any of them!!!

    what is wrong with saying i like shindig more than promise? its purely a representation of my changing tastes in music rather than coz i think promise is shit!! JESUS!!!

    this is really frustrating coz is does seem that if i don't kiss promise's arse enough i will be slated!!!

    am i not allowed on here coz if there was i choice between seeing darren emerson or mauro picotto i would choose daz, everytime? :confused:
  3. Julia

    Julia Registered User

    Dec 27, 2001
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    I fink what he means Nick, is that this is a board dedicated to a night that we all love...
    it makes more sense for u to go on to a neutral clubbing board if promise ain't ur thang!

    (BTW - not trying to get rid of u hun! :p)

    Tis a fanatabulous board & all's welcome...
    :D :D :D
  4. Guest

  5. Guest

    when did i say i didn't like promise?!! :mad:
  6. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    I have an idea, Nick say what you think of Promise (the truth, warts and all) then maybe we will know where you are coming from. That might sort this all out?
  7. Guest

    right, it's a deal then! :D

    when i first started going clubbing (December 2000, Judge Jules @ Promise) i was totally naive about clubbing, knew absolutly fuck all!! i mean really clueless!!! did'nt know anything bout the culture of clubbing, genres, dj-ing (not that i'm an expert in that now, i mean far from it!!) drugs, clothing etc (i think i've got the picture across that i knew fuck all about the scene now!!)

    after that night i started going more regularly and it was promise that i was going to (i did'nt even know what the fuck shindig was!) and i started getting into the whole trance and prog thing (by this time i was starting to get an idea of what i was actually paying my money to go and listen to coz i'd started reading mixmag (when he let me....HA HA HA - sorry, just had to get that little joke on there!!!) and cds n shit like that)

    but for some reason my tastes evolved from trance to hard house to prog to house and it seems to have stayed with the house thing. anyway this is reallt starting to bore people i'm sure so i'll try and cut it a bit short.

    my point is i am so grateful to promise for so much!! if it wasn't for this night god knows what i'd be listening to know, probably the lastest ministry album thinking it was the dogs bollocks!! god knows what i'd be doing in the social side of thingsd in my life. this is really hard trying to explain this to you but i hope that you understand. promise has played such an important role in my introduction to clubbing, its unreal!!

    as for the board, its the best thing you guys have done setting it up, it has educated me so much!!! so me saying shindig is better is in no way a jibe at you, it's me, my music tatses have changed.

    i can't be arsed to read this back to my self so i hope i have'nt made too many mistakes and you understand what i'm trying to say.

    nuff said.

  8. Mr Greeder

    Mr Greeder Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    HO HO HO Now I ave a Machine Gun!!
    I like Shindig better:eek: eh eh but only if Lotties playing cause u Promises don't get her :( :confused:

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