Whats your thoughts on John Kelly (edited by Smart E)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by crashjim, Jan 22, 2002.

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  1. cyberted

    cyberted Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    working @ the blue corner drop in and say hello!
    erm will try and see if i can get iy like but 96.6 isnt that the frequncey for metro FM??

  2. Lil'Gem

    Lil'Gem Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    right where they hung that monkey!!!
    Re: Whats your thoughts on John Kelly (edited by Smart E)

    was this 11th jan? i thought it was a shit night aswell, couldnt decide what kind of music he wanted to play or how he wanted to play it, the atmosphere was soo shit & there was hardly no one in sugarshack. the beerboys were out in force, & te majority didnt even know who john kelly was, or at least knew the name but nothing else about him & his music!

    normally im a fan of john kelly, but i think he picked up on the crap atmosphere & just took the piss out of the beer boys who would do 'big fish little fish' to anything that he played (i was watching ths uniformed dancing all night!!!!!). thank god i was driving so i could leave early.

    the past 3 or four times ive been to the sugarshack ive been severly dissapointed, think im gonna stop goin for a while. shame really coz it wasnt that far away from me & used to be an amazing nite :(
  3. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    Damn!!! cant believe i missed this whole thread....its funny as....
    i cant be arsed getting into it, cos its all been said....
    BUT..people should be allowed to post what they like...its an opinion, but saying hes shit? maybe hes not your kettle of mackrel...but i bet hes a better DJ than any of the people making the comments...
    Personally, i dont really like his style, or song selection....but ive only seen him @ a big Golden event (dont like big events), and Promise.....

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